Does anyone use the Turbodraft for water supply? Looking for imput before purchasing this piece.

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Do you mean by Turbodraft, a device to transfer water between porta-tanks?
i call that a Jet Siphon. Im looking at this to suplement a rural water supply
Its an eductor. Looks like it might work pretty good, but I've no experience with it. Have you tried trying to talk the manufacturer into letting you demo one for a while, before you cut them a check for one?
Have talked with a couple salesman but to no avail i still dont have one to test out. We like the idea of being able to get water from 50-150 feet off the drives we normally and up in.
Where in the world would you keep that much hard suction on a pumper?
Looks like one of the real advantages is there is no need for any hard suction. Cant believe salesmen aren't falling all over Paul with demo units. Looking forward to seeing it in use. Dont think anyone would miss the wailing of the prime pump.
Sorry my mistake; did a little surfing and this thing looks pretty good, works off the same principle as a jet siphon. Don’t have to get that close to source, and will lift over 20ft, only downfall is you lose GPM. I will guess no one has it in stock for you to demo, they give you an idea of price?
My station owns a turbodraft. We were told of this awsome piece of equipment but never could find anyone to demo it to us or get that much info on it. We were finally were able to get some info on it and shown a demo after the evening of the demo we were sold. Its a great piece of equipment for any dept, we use ours in rivers, ponds, and just about anywhere else. usually if your not able to just straight draft then 8 out of 10 times the turbodaft will work with no problem. it adds so many diffrent possibilities when it comes to establishing water points for things such as ISO ratings. It was a huge help to us in achiving a lower ISO rating. Here in NC they will count the turbodaft as a water supply point as long as you have all the proposed areas marked and maintained (clean) just like any other water site. If you got any more questions let me know or if you need contact info on one .
Turbodraft is a good appliance in areas where you have plenty of surface water within 300' of the pumper. Utilizing a 2 1/2" hose from the discharge of the pumper to the appliance, and LDH (4" or larger) back to the pumper. It is a little labor intensive to set up, but with practice 2 people can deploy it, 3 people is more efficient.

The EO pumps the tank water to the appliance which creates a siphon to the LDH, which then forces the water back to the intake. Once the water reaches the intake, the EO operates the pump much as a standard draft, meaning water must be continuously flowing. We use them on occasion and they are effective in providing 1000gpm.
Would like to see that set up
We have trained on a Turbodraft. Add me to the list of believers. Like others said, once you get use to setting it up it's a breeze. When we trained on it we set it up abut 200 feet from the engine and were able to pull water with no problems, and flow a blitzfire like it was meant to be run.

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