Quick show of hands, how many departments out there test their own hose and how many rely on outside vendors?
We test our own at our small, primarily vollie, department. Last night we tested our LDH(semi-annual testing), and a coupling failed. 4" @ 250 psi can make quite a wet spot! No body got hurt, but the potential is always there.
We pay a company by the name of National Hose Testers to test our hose once a year. We used to do our own testing over two weekends. More cost effective for us to have it done now.
We test our own with a testing machine, 1500ft at one time, anyone using their truck to do this is a …….well a fool. I believe our testing machine was around $500 and the price to rebuild a pump??? You guess.
Are you using a commercial hose tester or are you beating up your engine? The reason why I ask is I have seen hose fail using fire apparatus as the source for PSI and the explosion/whip of the hose is very dangerous. Plus
adding very uneccessary wear on an expensive fire pump.
Commercial hose testers have a one way check valve that once you reach the desired testing PSI, you shut the unit down and the likelihood of having a hose whip is far far less dangerous because there is no semi un-controlled source pumping. You still have a serious fragment hazard for sure but much safer.
My department tests our own, my company offers hose testing... so the answer is both.