On our department we are all trained in the ops part of hazmat. Me and my asst chief also have the tech class under us. We would like to have some cheap fun haz mat ideas if any are out there to be had. If you know of any way to have this type of training i would be interested in any ideas.

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What are you trying to accomplish with the training? With your crew being Operations, you would be better suited running a decon situation. Without the proper meters and suits, limit the training the other members get. Let me know your goals and I can make you a training up.
We have to have some type of hazmat training to keep our certs up. So i was looking for some type of training that would be acceptable for this. The two of us that are techs got to keep our class A suit. The encapsulated suit and the b-suit. I was just wondering for keeping up our certification.

This is the best and cheapest hazmat advice I've found. I hope you like it.
Mike, make contact with Capt Busy on here. He IS the Haz-Mat go to guy. If He cant help you there is just nothing to help you.................
Sorry for the pic, I couldn't resist. I noticed that this was a slightly older post, figured I'd add that, it'd get a laugh and maybe it would bump it for Mike.
Eric, I copied it and saved it to my putor. Heard it and siad it to my guys but never seen that pic. Good stuff Bro.
I found it today and was compelled to save it for a forum just like this. I remember hearing "The rule of thumb" in the Hazmat portion of FF1 and thought this was great. I'm glad you enjoyed. TCSS.
You do all sorts of simulated incidents or situations. You can practive mass decon. You can have the two of you practice and entry and have the others decon you. Use dry laudry soap as your contaminate. Then you can use a black light to see how effectively they got it all off. Let your imagination run wild. Local gas, propane or oxygen suppliers, may be willing to donate out of service cylinders that you can trun into a training prop very easily.
Mike, since you have the suits a great training is decon. Use shaving cream as the contaminate. You would be surprised how it can be missed during decon.

Garden hose flowing a small amount of water downhill towards a drain, manhole cover etc or even on level grade then mix in kool aid powder to represent the released product and have the Ops guys dike and dam to prevent it from getting into the drain or manhole cover.

Get a local business to donate a drum then punch holes or make a laceration in it so you can practice your tech patching. For the Ops guys fill the drum with water and kool aid, remove the patch/plug. Give the Ops team the MSDS (google search can get you any product you wish to train on that day) have them setup to dike and dam it.

Get with your local EMA, see if you can borrow about 40-50 sandbags and practice building dams. Once the dam is constructed release your agent. Something safe like the kool aid for example and see if the dam worked correctly.

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