Below are a series of photos courtesy "FirehouseGuy" from from a daytime house fire last week in Maryland.

These photos are circulating around the Web on sites such as Firefighter Close Calls on the aspect of firefighter safety ... with the site noting "No one hurt but good pictures from the scene drawing "THINK" attention to PPE, SCBA and roof operations. While we love roof operations when needed, we are don't love un-needed exposure to the smoke -- today's smoke is some nasty crap.....we need to THINK. 1000 active Firefighters die each year to cancer."

What are your thoughts and your department's SOPs for firefighters operating on the roof of structure firefighters?

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In my opinion if you are in the smoke, you should have SCBA on. Too much nasty stuff in the smoke these days to not be breathing decent air.
FF on roof should have been replaced with FF in driveway w/ SCBA on. TCSS
I think in todays world there is no room for "Iron Lung" firefighters. with that being said... I would like a little more information to the pictures. location, type of department (Vol/Paid/Combo), staffing, closest station ect.
Dont get me wrong, it is no excuse to have poor safety habits.
What is the Departments protocol?
Did the 1st in unit have SCBA's availible?

As you all know... any emergency worker (Fire, Medical and Law Enforcement) is going to do what need to be done with what equipment they have. All know the jobs have risks... and some take on more risks and willing to sacrafice to help the ones in need.

My 2 cents
Very dumb if you ask me,Where is the I C during this? I have been in the fire service for 17 years now, And i haven't always worn my scba during overhaul and exterior operations, about ten years or so ago when I got out of my invinsable,almighty stage I began to realize the severaty of the invisible gases and what is actually burning. I now wear my scba during all operations including exterior and especially during overhaul. I take no chances anymore if I can prevent it. the fire service is already stressful enough to our families, We don't need to add to it by getting sick or dying sooner than our time for something that could have been prevented.
What is the IC thinking by letting them by on the roof in the first place? There is obvious a chance of lost life and that would be of a FF. Also I agree they should be on the driveway with SCBA on instead of the roof.
Thats STUPID if you ask me, we all know better now a days, I say suspend him and the operations guy who aloud him to go up there. Make him an example to others and they won't have that problem again.
Looks like the roof man was kicking it old school
Our dept's SOP regarding SCBA'a is that anyone in the hot zone, or any zone that fits the IDLH atmosphere criteria, is required to wear an SCBA. That doesn't mean have it on your back at the ready, it means plugged into air. This especially goes for interior crews and roof ops.
I agree with Michael when we have roof operations we should use our SCBA because we are not only in danger by breathing all that smoke and some other stuffs...if we are directly expose to that thermal bath we can suffer some face burns by a blaze or simple reduce our vision by the affection of the smoke to our eyes as a direct consecuence of this maybe fall or loose equilivre.

That's my guys...during roof operations filled with smoke we better use or SCBA.

To add more to what i said previous, No roof ladder for safety and support,definatly no scba, also if you take a look at the pics very close, The fire has already vented itself through the roof and is in jeoperdy of collapsing. I would say it would be very spongy at this time,Not there, so can't say for sure. House is already a total loss,why risk a life on top of it.
Where do I begin, theres so many things wrong with this picture. ladder placement is wrong on the angle , no 2nd means of egress, no scba (as it states),no roof ladder, no charged hose line and a 2nd person with him. No matter what type of department this is, they could have used better judgement on what to do.
I agree that you need to wear an SCBA for roof operations. Also would like to note the position of the ladder and angle. I also noticed in the second picture from the bottom that the firefighter is walking, upright up the ladder and doesn't appear to be holding onto anything. I can see alot of things wrong with these pictures, but the SCBA is a must. Even on some brush or trash fires we wear them. Prompted by a call a few years ago where we rsponded to a trash pile on fire that was covered by brush. Found out it had construction materials and old insulation in it. After the brush burned up we started to see some yellowish smoke start to billow out, still not sure what it was. If in doubt wear it.

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