Okay well I looked around a bit and didnt find this topic yet, suprised me but maybe I missed it. What is everyones favorite turnout gear colors here? Personally I myself prefer tan for the higher visablity then black. For some reason my companys torn between black and tan most of the older guys prefer the black and most of the younger guys like myself perfer tan what does everyone else think and why?

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we wear tan at both my volounteer house and in the city...i dont think the color should be that important as long as the gear is doin its job in protectin us
We just got new gear in the last year we were using the "bargain bin" yellow crap but now have tan globe G- Extreme with green and silver striping and we love it.
At mt part time FD we wear black gear and at my full time FD we wear tan(almost yellow) gear. In my own personal opinion, the black gear shows heat damage/exposure much better than the lighter colored gear. This way you can easily see when something needs to be taken out of service or repaired. Whatever color your gear is, take care of it.
we use yellow due to the visiabilty issues
Tan with the lime green cuffs and silver reflectors.
I just signed up and I got yellow gear with orange reflectors. Some of the guys wear tan and there are a couple sets of black hanging on the rack. They took down the sizes of my gear and the other newbies gear and I heard they are getting new gear so hopefully I'll be getting some new gear cuz mine is OLD!!! Probably after training they'll pop for some new bling.
Choosing turnout gear based on aesthetics and not utility is the wrong consideration - but if you are looking at identical gear that just has color choices, here's my 4 cents... (i always say twice as much as people want me to, so I just call it my 4 cents now).

I prefer tan with the orange reflectives. My basic "man" instincts even support this! Think about this: when you wear a black shirt or drive a black car, how quickly does it look dirty? Instantly. So tan gear can be washed a little less frequently which may seem borne of laziness but actually is just protecting the gear from excess wear.

As far as the visibility comments, does it matter? I tend not to think of myself as a one man resource and if I'm on a scene there is at least one engine or truck on scene with me, or an ambulance, and several other responders and chiefs in their pickups and the news media if I'm doing something wrong. If the rubbernucker can't see all of that, I have no chance regardless of my gear.

Tan also is what general population are used to seeing now as being the "professional" image. The black gear is what you see in antique photos and old videos, so a general population will see it as more "yesterday." Old-school firefighters like the black because it harkens to their golden years, when the firefighters wore black and the Chief wore white.
does any one have the newest color out it is considered khaki it is like a gray color? only one manufacture that i know of that has it so far. would like to see it and try it out looks pretty cool...

We wear the Globe G-Extreme Black turnouts. I think they're just a cleaner look then yellow or tan that shows all the dirt & grime. As far as them being hotter on a fire scene, don't really think it makes a difference. Once you put all that gear on, it's all hot.
That'll definitely hide the dirt better than tan gear! I'm still a lover of black gear though.
Black. Always look clean and professional. Wouldnt have it any other way.
same here. we have worn Black turn-outs for 12 years now. Extremely happy with them. Best was the ones with Glow-flex triple trim on them.

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