We have a young man that has joined our dept. We dont have any type of coat or pants to issue him. I am unaware of how big you can get bunker gear, but if any one has any thing they can help me out with, we need it. I am hoping they make somthing his size and that maybe a dept out there has somthing there not using. I have forgotten his exact size, i just remeaber its big. PLEASE HELP!

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Having an exact size would be helpful. I know of 2 departments that have some larger gear. Please get me sizes and I will see what I can do
We'll Do. Thanks!
They can make any size that you want if you will pay the price.

We just bought a size 60 in bunker pants. Cost almost $1200.00.
I push comes to shove, I can get the Fire Dex Express gear for you.
You can buy gear to fit the firefighter by ordering it. They all cost almost $1,200.00. They might add more for bigger sizes but they sure don't take anything away for the smaller ones. "BIG" is a relative term. My husband wears a size 58 long in a suit coat and his inseam is 34". We didn't have a problem fitting him for gear. I realize however that you probably want to make sure this guy is going to stick around before you go through the trouble and expense of ordering him new PPE. Can't say that I blame you there. Bigger sizes and smaller ones are hard to re-distribute when a member leaves. The same with odd boot sizes and gloves. Thank goodness helmets, hoods & such are 1size fits all.
Good luck with this one.
Good reply Jenny. Another take on this would be if the young man is "big" because of extra weight he should show his dedication to his FD by losing some. If that is the case the extra funds spent, if needed, on his size gear would not be risky. God bless him for joining and his service. TCSS
You're kidding, right? TCSS
I think most manufacturers go up to 60" in both coat and pants. Some might go smaller but i haven't seen much bigger. While i can't help you in obtaining them i can steer you towards a source. Ebay is actually a good source for pre-owned fire gear. Some might have seen me posting Ebay links but i assure you i have no affiliation. Heres the bunker gear category. You can save quite a bit if you can find the right sizes.

http://collectibles.shop.ebay.com/items/Bunker-Turnout-Gear__W0QQ_s... OR

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