Over in my area this is a well talked about topic, Green responce lights on Firefighters cars to respond to the fire hall in the event of a call. Noone whould ever speed to get to their fire hall but i know everone has been stuck behind that one person that is driving ridiculously slow, and i just want to get feedback on this topic; if anyone thinks its a good idea, or if some firefighters already have these?

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Different areas use different colors. Indiana uses blue lights, Michigan uses red lights. The lights are there to let the public know that you are responding to an emergency. They do not mean that you can break any laws to get there. Most of the people in our area will yield the right of way to you or pull over to the side of the road. Occassionally you do get behind the one person who is oblivious to the world. You just have to grit your teeth and remember to control your adrenaline and drive safely.

Here in the vast area of Chicagoland, green lights are used to identify the command post. Firefighters in this area use blue lights in those communities that still allow the use of lights on POV's. Doesn't your state or province already have laws in place regarding the use of colored lights on private response vehicles?
Most firefighters in Tn use red and white lights to respond and green is used for security vehicles. Where are you from?
I am from Nova Scotia, Canada, this subject is kind of up in the air Because some provinces are allowed to use the green light for personal use but in Nova Scotia i know firefighters that have gotten warnings from the police over the use of them.
New York allows us firefighters to use Blue lights,and EMS persons to use Green lights, but you have to obey all NYS Vehicle &Traffic laws
Omnis Cedo Domus

I am in an area that allows personal vehicles to use lights when responding (in our case red/white). I believe out where we are at, they are important in the fact we live so far away from the station, and when you get those people who drive below the speed limit it helps when they allow you an opportunity to get around them because they know you may be responding to an emergency. Also, it helps provide one more means of warning drivers of an accident scene should you pull upon it in your personal vehicle.

HOWEVER, lights are a very sensitve piece of equipment. It requires a lot of discipline of the person who uses it. The FF's must know that the light is simply asking for permission to pass someone, but does not give them a right to. Also, all traffic laws apply whether the light is there or not. FF's who haven't heeded traffic laws using the lights have been injured or died while responding, using more resources and hurting those who were left behind.

So lights in rural areas are a good thing, I use mine frequently to respond to calls. Be aware however, there WILL be some people who still will not yield to the light, just as there are the morons who will not move when there are ambulances or fire apparatus with full lights, sirens, and federal q's blazing behind them.

The call is up to your dept., however I think safety should be discussed with all members of the dept. before voting on it.

PS They will NOT get you out of a ticket by the police! Speeding is Speeding regardless

PSS In Virginia, lights are established as such:

Blue- Law enforcement, Dept. of Corrections
Red- Fire, Rescue, EMS
Green- Incident Command
Purple- Funeral Procession
Amber- Postal Service, Construction, Utilities, Any work that is along side a road or requires the vehicle traveling at less than 35 MPH
White- Augment any of the above, particularly to move traffic for emergency services
Washington state uses green lights. But to me i think it is stupid. No one will give you the right of way with a green light. The tow trucks here have red lights instead of yellow also. But green lights on a fire scene shows you were command is located at.
In Indiana, we run blue lights, all volunteer firefighters are allowed to display them on their vehichle as long as they have permission from their chief. Most people do get out of the way when they see them, however; they do not have to. The law clearly states that is is simpy a "courtesy light" and that the responding firefighter can break no traffic laws while running the light. Now I'm not saying that most of us dont anyway. You can beileve that if I hear "structure fire" come from dispatch, I'm goin faster then the speed limit and passin a few cars. You can call me unsafe or stupid or whatever but anybody that tells you they dont do the same is a liar.
As Dustin has said the chief has to okay your light for POV and submit your name and info to the state police.

Western PA. is blue lights for fire fighters and red for chief and assistant chief.
No lights allowed here on pesonal vehicles. And the word is 'response'.
PSS In Virginia, lights are established as such:

Blue- Law enforcement, Dept. of Corrections
Red- Fire, Rescue, EMS
Green- Incident Command
Purple- Funeral Procession
Amber- Postal Service, Construction, Utilities, Any work that is along side a road or requires the vehicle traveling at less than 35 MPH
White- Augment any of the above, particularly to move traffic for emergency services

These are actually the recommended colors in the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices", http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/ The same Federal statutes which specify the size of speed humps, timing on traffic lights, etc. It is a standard which is used on all federal right of ways and has been adopted by some states on all other ROWs and jurisdictions.
thanks for the citation, much needed *thumbs up*

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