what do you think of this i find it offensive to our profession / vocation. i first saw it at the local grocery store on a cashier and i was disgusted, to me the maltese cross and star of life are sacred symbols of what we do and should not be altered just to sell clothes to the counterculture of society, to replace the hydrant and ladder with a rose and assault rifle is obscene if you agree with me please go to their website and let them know how you feel


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Interesting post Steve. Personally, it doesn't bother me...
The maltese cross is not necessariy specific to the fire service. Every biker out there uses it on there choppers. The maltese cross is also very similar to the German iron cross. Whatever floats there boat.
Personally, I think the way Rescue Me portrays us as a bunch of alcoholic whorish thieves who loot businesses that are on fire makes us look alot worse than this.
well, hate to chime in , but yeah my closest friends are firefighters for fdny, the only thing i can say about them is they aren't thieves ,or looters, but they are alcoholics lmao, dam they can drink me under the table and have, anyways i dont think the shirt is offensive every logo or emblem gets used for another purpose at some point or another , its just the way things are
I agree with you it is offensive atleast to me. I realize that the malteese cross represents more than just the fire service but as far as I know the star of life is only known for medical service. Plus when I look at the attachment you posted that is the exact same way our work shirts are set up NAME above the malteese cross fire hydrant and ladder on the sides. To the general public that doesnt know any better would think that was an FD shirt. Just my two cents.
It doesn't worry me, we don't use the Maltese Cross for fire nor that blocky star for ambulance, so the whole thing has less relevance here. But I can see it as somewhat in poor taste in the USA.
Although it's in bad taste, its their 1st Right to have bad style and make such crap. I personally wouldn't sport the shirt but I have seen worse.
It does not bother me.
The shirt don't bother me. But in this day and age thats what people strive to do, is offend people and make them mad.
I hear that Lt. Besides, the more people complain, the more publicity they get. Just ignore them.
Might be offensive to Chicago, but not me. I bought one once that said, if you can’t stand the heat become a cop, my daughter wants to be one, was always scared to wear it, though I might get a ticket. As for the hobby thing, as a long time vol, I’m starting to think of my money job as the hobby.
i think you mistook my use of the word "hobby", i am using it for the non firefighting members of firefighter nation and those of us who enjoy being fire fighters for the fun of it , now dont go getting upset over me calling fire fighting fun because i think it is. i also called it a "hobby" for those of us like myself who do NOT get paid to be firefighters and spend their free time answering the calls for help whenever that may be.

if I were truly offended as you suggest i would have gone to the cashier and demanded her to remove her jacket and demanded the store manager to prohibit that jacket in the store

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