What kind of tools if any do you carry in your pov. I'm on a small vol. dept and I respond out of my truck alot and beat the engine on scene. I carry an axe, palaski, fire rake, rescue bar, chainsaw, basic medical supplies I.E. gloves BP cuff and an erg handbook.

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Sounds like you are the usually first one on scene and have been left without equipment before. You are one dedicated FF. I'm not first at the scene very often but when I am, calling in current info to en route FD vehicles can be valuable. I carry my basic FF equipment, two 5 pound ABC extinguishers, hand held spotlight, chainsaw during storms, toolkit, first aid kit, crowbar, seat belt knife, binoculars, magnetic red rotator light bar and a copy of state transportation codes pertaining to traffic laws that VFD personnel are exempt from in case I come across a uninformed law enforcement officer. God bless you and your community service. Billy
I have portable oxygen, two medic bags, 10 lb dry chem extinguisher, binoculars, ERG, pre-plan book, tow strap.

Plus PPE: full structure gear less SCBA; EMS turnouts and rescue helmet; county deputy coordinator gear; and wild land turnouts.

Four portable radios, spare batteries, camera, accountability board, MCI kit, and documentation clipboard.

I think that's all.
I carry my fire turnout gear and rescue squad turnout gear, a crash kit, Oxygen and an AED. My orange Squad vest and windbreaker. I think that maybe all...
forgot about my turnout gear, wildland pants jacket and utility belt, and EMS jumpsuit
I,m all over for two volenteer fire depts and a ambulance service. and I'm some times first on scene. first my veh has full lights and siren,fire radio and portable plus spare batteries,flares,tow strap,pry bar,Full jump kit,o2 with bvm,tool kit,flash lights,full turn out gear,ems coat and two fire extingishers. I only carry a chain saw when it,s windy out on stormy nights,also a spot light,a 2008 placard hazmat book, and aluminum note book file. binoculars usually only deer season and in the grass fire season I carry a pointed shovel also a second fire helmet for my second dept. needlessly to say thats all the room I have I think that kinda covers it. You take care,be safe and god bless
i carry my turnouts in a buffle bag with a pair of extrication gloves in one of the pockets on the bag and a flash light and a relective vest
In my pov i carry my structure gear, and my wild land gear. I also have my binoculars, extra coat and swear shirt, a small halogen bar, first aid kit, my hand held radio, and my chemical book. I am also on a small rural department so first on scene best be prepared to give size up of the scene.
my gear, and my medical bag, I'll have more of a chance using my medical stuff then anything else:)
Nope I carry just my trurn out gear.. The rest is on the truck.. I not for sure I would want all the in my trunk... I am a nurse so I do have in my bag that I carry to work a BP cuff and stephscoope... The only time I respond to a fire if I already know the trucks are there .. Rule is everyone to the station house first....
That would be the ideal situation but our district is 20 by 20 square miles aproximetly and I live on one border and the station is on the other end of the district. The dept. got me a locking tool box for the back of my truck. I just had to buy the stuff to put in it. From our station to my house it takes 30 minutes running code 3 so we decided if something happens in my area I go to the scene and see what we got.
i live about 1 mile out of my district. i can make it to the engine house in about 6 minutes. the only thing is that we have about ten people that live within 3 blocks of the fire house if i go to the fire house i would miss all the trucks. so i carry my turnout gear in my van. an idea i have had lately is that all responders in their pov should have an scba. will it ever happen of course not it would be way to expensive to supply all our guys and girls with packs. but i still think it is a good idea.
I don't keep much in my POV in terms of tools.

I DO have a pair of binoculars, a current "Emergency Response Guide" for Hazardous materials, and a pair of medical gloves.

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