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Walter's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Signal Hill, Belleville IL.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My first responder teacher would tell us stories about his experiences on the fire department and it sounded interesting. I have worked on the law enforcement side of the spectrum (still do) and wanted to see how the other side worked. Now that I have seen it I love it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The adrenaline rush when the tones drop. Also when we do fire prevention in the local schools. Just seeing their eyes light up when they see the fire truck is priceless, especially when they sit in them. Besides my three boys love the fact that I’m a firefighter.

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At 9:31pm on August 22, 2009, Michael said…
Hey walter
any luck on getting me a patch
At 1:10pm on April 17, 2009, Mandi said…
I live on 161 and FrankScott.
At 11:28pm on April 16, 2009, Mandi said…
I just recently moved to Belleville. What night do you guys do your training, so that i can get an application?
At 3:11pm on March 24, 2009, Michael said…
Hey I heard u have a new luck shirt.
Do u have a dept patch i can get from u
At 8:33pm on February 15, 2009, Michael said…
Hey Bro
If u go to u can buy ST. Louis Fire Dept. shirts from the company that makes mine. His sell a little more than mine though. check it out under purchace the medic 10 shirt is on their.
At 4:59pm on February 15, 2009, Michael said…
sorry bro.
At 7:57pm on February 14, 2009, Michael said…
Hey Bro
I did send the order in but I did order extra 2xl if u want one of those.
At 9:08pm on February 12, 2009, Michael said…
Yeah Bro I am I design all the ST. Louis Fire Dept. EMS shirts and patches. If u want one then go talk to Megan in the ER but do it quick I am doing the order on Monday.
At 8:53pm on December 9, 2008, Bob H said…
Hi. Good to see a fellow St. Louisian on the site. If there is anything I can do to be of service, please let me know. I have visited some of the area fire houses in the past and gave the guys shoe shines. Would be willing to offer this to your house if you think your guys might be intererested.
At 1:42am on December 4, 2008, Constantinos (Dino) Bouras said…
The website address is they do have boot camps in Peoria too if that helps any.


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Firefighters Gloves

A firefighter's gloves hold many things,
From elderly arms to a kid's broken swing.
From the hands they shake and the backs they pat,
To the tiny claw marks of another treed cat.

At 2:00 a.m. they are filled with the chrome,
From the DWI who was on her way home.
And the equipment they use to roll back the dash
From a family of 6 she involved in the crash.

The brush rakes in spring wear the palms out,
When the wind does a "90°" to fill them with doubt.
The thumb of the glove wipes the sweat from the brow
Of the face of a firefighter who mutters "What now"!

They hold inch and three quarters flowing one seventy five,
So the ones going in, come back out alive.
When the regulator goes then there isn't too much
But the bypass valve they eagerly clutch.

The rescue equipment, the ropes, the C-collars,
The lives that they save never measured in dollars,
Are the obvious things firefighter's gloves hold,
Or, so that is what I've always been told.

But there are other things firefighter's gloves touch,
Those are the things we all need so much.

They hold back the rage on that 3:00 am call.
They hold in the fear when your lost in a hall.
They hold back the pity, agony, sorrow.
They hold in the desire to "Do it tomorrow".

A glove is just a glove till it's on a firefighter,
Who works all day long just to pull an all-nighter.
And into the foray they charge without fear,
At the sound of a "Help!" they think that they hear.

When firefighter's hands go into the glove,
It's a firefighter who always fills it with love.
Sometimes the sorrow is too much to bear,
And it seeps the glove and burns deep "in there".

Off come the gloves when the call is done,
And into the pocket until the next run.
The hands become lonely and cold for a bit,
And shake just a little thinking of it.

And we sit there so red eyed with our gloves in our coats,
The tears come so fast that the furniture floats.
We're not so brave now; our hands we can't hide,
I guess it just means that we're human inside.

And though some are paid and others are not,
The gloves feel the same when it's cold or it's hot.
To someone you're helping to just get along,
When you fill them with love, you always feel strong.

And so when I go on my final big ride,
I hope to have my gloves by my side.
To show to St. Peter at that heavenly gate,
'Cause as everyone knows,
--- Author Unknown

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