Incredible fire progression video. Good job done by local FD

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Comment by Firefighter Walther on July 1, 2010 at 4:54pm
very fascinating video, i like about 5:05, you can hear the engines engines revving up as they engage the pump gear, and begin to flow water, totally awesome!
Comment by Roger Moses on June 30, 2010 at 4:03pm
Looks like a nice fast knock down. Pretty neat to see the fire's progression
Comment by Alex Illar on June 29, 2010 at 3:18pm
Agreed on the fire progression part of the video! It's a shame that when the video started an Engine crew was not there, because the fire could have been knocked down! Instead we got to see everything from rollovers to fully involved! The guy on the porch that sounded the floor looked like he didn't have his mask on up until he got ready to sound it.
Comment by carl hockett on June 27, 2010 at 10:50pm
at 00:36 and 0054 you can hear pd ask if anyone is home. at 1:24 that report is made to dispatch
Comment by Charles Ray Knuckles on June 27, 2010 at 3:32pm
I see ploice going t door and looking at ouside of house. But I never heard anyone yell "is there anyone inside"! Hey your house is on fire & you need to get out. What if an elser, intoxicated or person on drugs was asleep? Or just someone was a heavy sleeper.? I never saw a fire truck speeding on but sirens should have been quited at arrival. Secen communication is appatative. Nice to see a chief on front line with great supervision. Is this a paid or volunteer dept?
Comment by Kathy Williams on June 26, 2010 at 10:39am
What a shame for the owners. I'm glad no fire fighters, or anyone else presumably, were hurt. Great job with everyone geared up with SCBA and testing the floor etc. What started the fire? Seems to have been something close to or in the living room area?
Comment by Brian Mackie on June 25, 2010 at 10:22pm
Brandon, Shame on you! 11 years on, and it appears you know ZERO! ( And even less when it comes to typing) Knock off the negative crapola. The guys did a pretty damn fine job from what is depicted on the video. If the Cap had taken the extra time it would have needed to put the brake on the MOTORIZED Q siren, ( I bet you didn't even know there was such a thing did you) you would have probably condemed him for that as well.
Don't go through your entire career picking out what YOU think are mistakes.
COMMON SENSE and DISCRETION.. remember that phrase! It might save your (_!_) someday when the almighty BOOK won't be.

Damn that felt good! lol
Comment by capt47 on June 25, 2010 at 11:35am
Well I watched this again and this was some nice work. Yea, I will give you the siren staying on but every one I saw was not only wearing their SCBA but also had their flash hoods down on the helmets. I really liked when the crew at the front door was working the red hat was sounding the floor. He has paid attention during training drills. Again GOOD WORK.
Comment by william freisner on June 25, 2010 at 9:51am
i dont what you seen but ever one but the cops had on there scba and the truck was going the slow and the light need too be on till ever thing is all right
Comment by Kathy Williams on June 24, 2010 at 3:17pm
Good one, Drew. LOL

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