One Of Gary's Finest Goes Down At A Structure Fire

First off let me say thank God the Firefighter is o.k. and will be back to work. The crews at this fire were called to an incredibly difficult fire just hours prior to this fire so they were already spent. The call came out as a house fire with someone possibly trapped inside. Battalion Eight being first on scene reported smoke showing and a working fire. Multiple lines were stretched and additional companies were requested to assist. The fire which started in the basement traveled the walls to the 1st and 2nd floors. The basement did flashover at one point with Firefighters operating down there. The injured Firefighter got himself out through a basement window, he was overcome by heat. Two other Firefighters had complications and were treated at the scene. Crews remained on scene for well over an hour and investigators were on scene working. Initial reports from neighbors were that the house was vacant. From You Tube.

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Comment by Roy Walker on January 19, 2010 at 10:32am
At one point I counted 7 firefighters in t-shirts at the froht porch. Ieven noted on two occasions firefighters in those same t-shirts exit the fire building one of whom is forced to give a big manly spit to clear his mouth ,does that tell you anything ?? Can some one explain how tha senior officer on scene is likewise at the front door dressed in his shirt sleeves it appears he's there with a white hankie in his hand, perhaps he's ready to surrender. BE SAFE TRAIN HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Kelly Saunders on July 29, 2009 at 11:48pm
Hey,, how about mixing in some bunker gear & SCBA while on scene? Unless the budget has been really chopped can someone explain what we are seeing in this video? They are lucky no one was killed.
Comment by FETC on July 28, 2009 at 4:27pm
I am glad to hear the Gary Indiana brother will be back to work another fire on a different day.

All I can say about this video is wow, so much can be learned from the Providence Exposure Report.


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