well, after the orientation for college, i found out theres alot of stuff i have to do to get ready for college. some being i have to rent my PPE, which is pretty hard, seeing as i had to find a time when my dad could measure me, and then had to try to find my size on this website im renting, so i had to call the guy, and hes like yeah,, i have something close to that, so now im waiting on a call back from him, and the total PPE ensemble to rent for 40 weeks is like $865, expensive! and i have to buy my uniform, another 200. take a background check, another 50 bucks, oh, and i had to take a Compass test, which i took yesterday, and passed! so glad about that. and mix with all that stuff and working 40+ hours a week is pretty brutal! but to tell you the truth, i wouldnt have it any other way, Firefighting is what i love, what ive wanted to do since i was little, and im not going to let anything stop me, no matter what it takes, im going to pass, with God's help that is!

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Comment by Capt.Alex Arnold on December 2, 2009 at 3:41pm
Good luck and keep up that great attitude! Even when you get out into the service, you'll find that a lot of guys (and gals) work other jobs besides the fire service. With this rigorous schedule you'll be use to it by then. Again, keep up the solid work and I look forward to following your posts about proggress.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 2, 2009 at 3:38pm
Do whatever it takes to realize your dream.
If you want to read about another guy who had an uphill battle, go read "I Want To, But I Can't."
It's my latest blog.
Never give in; never give up.
Comment by Doug on December 2, 2009 at 2:03pm
Good luck.
Comment by Firefighter Walther on December 2, 2009 at 9:33am
@Chief Dino. Yeah, im not going to the HFD academy. in order to get into the Academy, i had to have like 60 college credit hours, or 4 years military service and 15 hours college credit hours. so i was looking at the Houston Community College, and they have a 40 week night class (since i work during the day) you can take to get your FF! and FF2 Certification, then they introuduce us to a EMT program.

@Rusty. Thanks so much for your support bud, really appreciate it.

and thanks everyone for their kindness and support they have showed me, you guys are awesome!
Comment by Chief Dino on December 2, 2009 at 7:01am
I take it you're not at HFD's academy. Local fire academy at a college? Either way good luck.


Comment by Rusty Mancini on December 2, 2009 at 1:40am
Street King, that's the attitude to have to achieve your goal ! Yes there is going to be some tough times ahead in your journey, but with the positive attitude that you have, you will succeed. You don't strike me as a quitter! As I told you before, I wish I had ten guys or gals with the attitude you have displayed!

Good luck my brother and remember, "There is always one more thing you can do!"

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