Well it's been nine months since my wife told me she was pregnant. This will be our first. She actually sent me a text message, Saying "congrtulations dad!" I just happened to be pumping at a structure fire when I found out. So anyway, this weekend she is due to deliver our first baby.
I'm extremely excited, but also very nervous, i've never really spent much time around babies, so I will be learning as I go.we've spent countless hours, prepping the nursurey, shopping for stuff we need , and just getting ready for the ride of our lives. We both feel that if she is anything like either one of us we're in real trouble. I'm just figuring stubborn will be the middle name.I never thought much about having children, but i've spent many hours lately thinking of all the things i can't wait to do with them.discovering new things together. Teaching, playing, and acting like a kid myself sometimes. I know I have some time before these things will occurr, but i am excited.
I'm not excited about the sleepless nights , dirty diapers, or being in the delivery room for that matter " my wife won't bite her toungue on a good day, never mind when in labor".Most of all, I'm afraid that the devastation i've seen as a firefighter,the fires, car wrecks, fatalities, and close calls. the graphic nature of what we tend to deal with at any time, i worry that it has desensitized me to the point of not enjoying one of the great moments in ones life. the moment their child enters the world.I also worry about who i'll be on Monday, how this will change my life( other than the obvious). will I make the right decisons, or 20 yrs from now will my child need a team of psyciatrists to fix her, because her old man was a whack job.Only time will tell.
Don't get me wrong I am confident that my wife and I will be good parents, I know many people getting the job done, that many others didn't feel could. I just want to give our baby every oppurtunity in life to succeed, what ever that might be.

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Comment by Dean on December 15, 2008 at 5:37pm
Mike you will do just fine. Just have confidence in your decisions and teach her everything that is right and be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Comment by Beverly on December 6, 2008 at 4:15pm
Good Luck, Best wishes to you, your wife and baby for a speedy, safe and healthy delivery
Comment by Michael Bates on December 6, 2008 at 4:09pm
Thanks for all the encouragement, I am really excited. so far no news yet
Comment by PA Firefighter on December 6, 2008 at 12:02am
congratulations Dad. Enjoy them while you can they grow up too fast.
Comment by Cathy Shipley on December 5, 2008 at 2:28pm
Best wishesto you and your wife....children are a true gift from God..My advice(mother of 2)...believe in yourself, believe in your wife, and always believe in God, and never be afraid to ask for help in you need it...take care, good luck!
Comment by Robin Inman on December 5, 2008 at 12:58pm
Congratulations Dad....don't worry so much. You'll do fine and you'll be fine in the delivery room, it's a whole different story when your in there watching your own child coming into the world. The one piece of advice I can give is that children like marriage are some of the most wonderful gifts you are given in life but they are the things you have to work the hardest for. The best things in life aren't free. Kids take love, time, nuturing and yes money but will give it back to you in spades. We have a 23 year old daugther and a 17 year old son who are both happy, kind, polite people. At times growing up we wondered if were doing things right but we must have because they are great. Remember, parents make mistakes also....but like any other mistake, you can't go back and change it, but you can not do it again, learn from it and go on. It's a good lesson to teach kids also. I wish for you a happy, safe and healthy delivery and a long and happy time raising your sweet baby.
Comment by John on December 5, 2008 at 9:51am
Congrats, once the baby is here you will do fine.
Comment by Ariel 683 on December 5, 2008 at 9:25am
Congratulations Daddy!
Make sure you post pictures for us...
Praying for a safe and healthy delivery, Ariel
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on December 5, 2008 at 8:53am
Congratulations Michael. I am sure that your wife is going through the same feelings you are. My husband did also and now we have 2 girls, 8 and 5. they are a joy and they are a handful. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. I have a 22 year old son also from a previous marriage and I am proud of what he has accomplished. I know I did my best and that is all I could do. This is going to be a wonderful experience and all you have to do is enjoy it. Enjoy all the ups and the downs with being a parent. So congratulations to you and your wife. Enjoy it all.....
Comment by dj lee on December 4, 2008 at 10:08pm
congratulations on the new baby. My wife and I had our first child two years ago and I would not change it for the world she's daddys lil girl. again CONGRATULATIONS DAD. Let us know how everything goes make sure you add some pics for us to see.gob bless!

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