Well here in the states we are preparing to elect a new president. Meanwhile those of us in the volunteer service are preparing for the time honored tradition of electing new officers. It's the time of year all sorts of stuff happens around the fire house. Member's you haven't seen all year start showing up, so to be sure they're eligible to vote. Friendships are broken and alliances are formed. Usually some young guy's start campaigning on the change platform. The he said she said rumor mill is in high gear. It's like our own little version of Survivor island. Many of us volunteer's belong to dept's that are as much social club as we are firefighters. Now I'm sure that's not a popular statement , but it is true nontheless. What we cannot forget, is that at least a few times a year, we do rely on each other to make sure we don't get killed. What we also cannot forget is that as good a friend some one is, or as good a firefighter they are, doesn't mean they will make a good leader. Remember a good leader doesn't have to be the most vocal guy, nor the most knowledgable. What they do need is the ability to process info quickly, have confidence,in the membership and themselves, and most importantly the desire/ability, to do the right thing even when it's not the popular thing. Obviously they need to have some good firefighting chops as well. So good luck to all,and remember being picked last at recess is not the end of the world.

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