Michael Bates's Blog (6)

She's finally here

I would like to announce the birth of my first child. On wednsday 12/17/08, Paityn Corinne Bates arrived at 6:34 pm , she is a perfectly healthy little girl weighing 7lbs 15 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches.she is absolutely beautiful, and her mother and I are so happy to have her. She was due on the 8th but wanted to be fashionably late, she really had her heels dug in and mommy had to be induced. If anyone has ever had to be a part of an induction… Continue

Added by Michael Bates on December 22, 2008 at 1:00pm — 16 Comments

New Dad to be...

Well it's been nine months since my wife told me she was pregnant. This will be our first. She actually sent me a text message, Saying "congrtulations dad!" I just happened to be pumping at a structure fire when I found out. So anyway, this weekend she is due to deliver our first baby.

I'm extremely excited, but also very nervous, i've never really spent much time around babies, so I will be learning as I go.we've spent countless hours, prepping the nursurey, shopping for stuff we need ,… Continue

Added by Michael Bates on December 4, 2008 at 7:45pm — 11 Comments

Election Time.....

Well here in the states we are preparing to elect a new president. Meanwhile those of us in the volunteer service are preparing for the time honored tradition of electing new officers. It's the time of year all sorts of stuff happens around the fire house. Member's you haven't seen all year start showing up, so to be sure they're eligible to vote. Friendships are broken and alliances are formed. Usually some young guy's start campaigning on the change platform. The he said she said rumor mill… Continue

Added by Michael Bates on October 4, 2008 at 7:58pm — No Comments

practice makes perfect

It's not enough just to train but we need to be sure we perform tasks correctly, or as we would on scene. If your gonna do a search drill; wear a pack , have a tool and a lite, a radio, and of course wear all your PPE, "even my hood" yes even your hood. practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.A coach i had as a kid drilled that phrase into my head. He said if your not gonna do it right your only cheating yourself. In this business it's not just yourself you will be… Continue

Added by Michael Bates on September 7, 2008 at 7:38pm — No Comments

The battle for funding

It has come to my attention, that our yearly budget from the township we protect is being not only cut , but slashed in nearly half. Now i'm sure many of you belong to volunteer fire companies that get funded either partially, or in whole by your local gov't,. Then their are those who get nothing or next to nothing. Well we get next to nothing and now they're going to give us half of that.

16 yrs ago I became a volunteer firefighter, in a small suburban town in northern New Jersey.… Continue

Added by Michael Bates on April 2, 2008 at 7:03pm — 2 Comments

Out with old and in with new

OK here's my rant! I am tired of coming to emergency service web sites and seeing the same issues being bantered about in their forums... it's the same old stuff, lights on pov's, leather or plastic, how do i become an officer...etc..etc.. it goes on for ever and evryone keeps responding. The one on this website that kills me is the reponse music forum....are you kidding me...and worst of all it's…


Added by Michael Bates on December 31, 2007 at 6:36pm — 2 Comments

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