I promise concern for others.
A willingness to help all those in need.
I promise courage - courage to face
and conquer my fears.
Courage to share and endure
the ordeal of those who need me.
I promise strength - strength of heart
to bear whatever burdens
might be placed upon me.
Strength of body to deliver
to safety all those
placed within my care.
I promise the wisdom to lead,
the compassion to comfort,
and the love to serve unselfishly
whenever I am called.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
There is nothing more rewarding then knowing you've made a difference in someone's life. Be it holding their hand or pumping on their chest fighting to revive them... Just listening makes a world of difference. Not all our calls are "medical" emergencies. We see people on the worst day of there lives and they ask us to come into their homes and help them. What a special opportunity to go the the extra mile... take a few minutes... put yourself in their shoes... share a little hope....and make a difference...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people, the brotherhood of the fire service
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of compassion and empathy. The disease of "me"...
Hey camrade can you recommend an interesting page a Firefighters on the Internet and one that is similar to firefighternation (Here is a novelty) Chau!! abig hug
I invite you to join the group Firefighters Argentinos and participate in the discussions Chau! a big hug http://www.firefighternation.com/group/tito2008
Hello Ariel happened to you a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE99LCajyf0&eurl=http://www.noticiasdebomberos.com/ . Ah! good photos A page with information here http://www.noticiasdebomberos.com/
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