At 3:20 am August 4th of 2009 a firealarm was sounded over the Nikiski Fire Department radio frequency. It was what we call and Auto Aid from the Kenai Fire Department (when there is a fire in the City of Kenai our department sends our Ladder 1 either to scene or to cover their station, the same deal is contracted with their Engine 3). I hopped on board thinking, "Here's another few hours of rehab," because I have not completed the Fire Fighter 1 Academy and am still technically a medical only personell. However, due to Kenai's lack of man power this shift the Fire Marshal (my sisters boyfriends dad {try explaining that one in a few years}) put me on a hose line with another On-Call firefighter from my department. The deal was no entry, just wet stuff on the red stuff. This was my first fire, and I'm proud to say, I'm one smart man for getting into this.

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Comment by Michael J Burke on August 7, 2009 at 9:20am
Congrats nice job. Keep up the good work.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on August 5, 2009 at 5:50am
Sounds alot like my first fire... It was a few years back now. I still had not completed my mandatory class and pretty much just ran the radio at the station for all calls I went to. I remember that night though, I got to the station and my asst. chief was jumping out of his truck at the same time. He told me to grab my gear and follow the engine in my own truck and just kinda stay back and watch while on scene. I thought that was awesome so I grab my gear, go to the scene behind the engine and I'm just kinda walking around, watching what the guys were doing when one of my captains tells me to come over and grab a handline that he was holding. I went up to him and told him that the asst. chief told me to stay back and he said "yeah, well I need manpower right now so grab this line." Well, thats what I did lol. It was all defensive and a real simple job but yeah, definatly a blast!!!

Trust me, making entry and making a good hit on a working interior fire is alot more fun!!!
Comment by Rick K. on August 5, 2009 at 1:43am
Well that was better than my first fire !! My first was a dang dump fire on a side of a bluff !!!
Comment by Holly on August 4, 2009 at 8:25pm
Congrats! I attended my first structure fire on the 2nd of August. I've been to car fires and brush fires. That was a rush in and of itself but something different about a structure. I didn't get the opertunity to be on the attack line but I did get to finally put some of my truck training to use.

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