Well, yesterday as I was driving home from running a few errands a tone out for a 14 y/o girl who had flipped her ATV came over my pager. I arrived on scene to help inspect her posterior thorax and help backboard. We loaded her and went the hospital. It was the usual, "do you remember what happened that made you lose control of your 4 wheeler?" Pt, "I was on a 4 wheeler?" Medic, "yes, hun, you flipped it and now we're taking you to the hospital." Pt. "I want my mommy!" Medic, "your mom is in the front seat, she's here honey." Pt, "where's my phone?" Medic, "it's in your pocket." and this repeated every few minutes...we have about a 20-30 min trip to the hospital. Then she said she felt like she was going to get sick. We got out our standing orders and the Zofran. Confirmed dosage and began to draw it up. When we asked her if she was still nauseated she said no. It was a pretty smooth trip, the only interventions we did were O2 and spinal immobilization. About 5 mins out she said she felt like getting sick again. And by looking at her, there was no choking it back. We tipped the backboard and i grabbed the receptical and she vomitted...all over my arm! I was like, "this sucks, but it's my job, I have intact skin all the way up my arm, no cuts or abbrasions, I'm farely safe." And the more she vomitted, the more i began to smell it...and SMELL it! OH MY LORD! It was horrible. It hit my gagger like no other, and it didn't help that she was vomitting towards me and I had vomit on my arm. But I choked it back and did my job like a champ...except for how pale I must've been because when or lead medic began describing what she thought it was she looked up and said, "guess we're not talking about that anymore." It was an aweful smell...all the scrubbing we did, the deodorizing, and everything, the bus still had that smell for the trip back to quarters. So, what did I learn from this call. Head injury patients are going to puke, and be the smart one and tip the backboard away from yourself. God bless all and keep safe!

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