All Firemen are brothers and sisters

Everyone says all firemen are brothers and sisters. No matter where your from and no matter what state or department you come from you can always just walk into a firehouse in another state and just start talking to one another whether it be a volunteer dept or a career dept. Now to be honest I think it dont even matter if you are a rank of a junior firemen/ explorer you still are part of a family

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Comment by Jay Nicholson on January 18, 2009 at 6:14pm
I'll agree with you up to a point. I'm 10 yrs older than my baby brother. When I was 21, he was 11. Still my brother, but we weren't exactly doing the same things in life at that point. If you know what I mean.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on January 18, 2009 at 5:48pm
Nature of the beast....Most departments will welcome a visit...BUT...don't just walk in....approach as any visitor and introduce yourself and the fact that you are a Firefighter as well and would like to see their Department....Most are proud of their turf and are pleased to show it you should be if someone comes to your "House"...Stay safe and always Keep the Faith....Paul
Comment by Fire Chick on January 18, 2009 at 2:23pm
we all are...but not ev everyone sees it that way... so u cant just walk in anywhere because some will not except u... i know i have lots of fam in other states and i travel alot, so when i see another fire dept. i try to stop in and see how they do every thing if they r paid vol ect.. most of them r very nice and can spend hours talking to u...the one out by my aunts in lordstown ohio, i got to everytime i am out there.. and i go down for hours and talk to them...they always tell me come back when ever u r here
Comment by morris washburn on January 18, 2009 at 11:48am
Sam, you are right , we are all brothers and sisters , but I have found that you Just cant walk in to another Dept. and sit down and talk to them , some look at you as if your a ghost and done exist. But dont be afraid not to try it some places it will be just fine . Just remeber you can ask all kinds of ?s , and enjoy the visit .
Comment by Paresh Trivedi on January 18, 2009 at 11:18am
You are absolutely right! Though in all first responder departments we may need to add diversity training....
So we can easily understand and respect other fellows point of view...
With regards,


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