Body: Letter from a fellow soldier now stationed in Afgan. Interesting read but really not surprising.

Hello everyone,
As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass alongthat Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visitto "The War Zone". I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off theplane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with theMajor General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram.

As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn'tsay a word as he went into the conference room to meet the
General. As hefinished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tentthat military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) sohe could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned theopportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back homethat he is their candidate for President.

I think that if you are going tomake an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that areproviding the freedom that they are providing for
you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the DallasCowboy Cheerleaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be thePresident of the United States . I just don't understand how anyone would wanthim to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to bearound those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to knowwhat kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is allfake. In service, CPT Jeffrey S.

Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch
American Soldier

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Comment by The God and Goddess on July 28, 2008 at 3:21am
first of all, I don't buy my oil or gas at Citgo. Our troops didn't need to Nam and the Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor because we stopped shipping oil to them (buy the dvd) or look it up on the web Nicholi. Bush's family does has oil to protect over there...why do you think oil and gas is so high? Its because he rather import fuel from other countries than use the ones we have here on reserve. Bush, thinks that we can't be independent on our own resources. He knew along with every other organization in our nation of the attacks before hand. American Airlines and United Airlines, Merryel Lynch among other companies brought was is called pro-stock days before 9/11. The proceeds from this so called stock, was sent overseas to train and pay the "donkey murders" to plan their attack on our homeland. Now there's one issue your beloved govenment did not want you to know...by the way, this is goddess.
Comment by Nicholi69 on July 27, 2008 at 9:40pm
WWII had nothing to do with us OMG What about Pearl Harbor? Wow check your history there buddy and what about when you buy oil at citgo which is owned by Chavez oh yeah hes our best friend. Bush dont have !/2 of 1% of oil in this to protect. you people always bring up the oil thing. First i dont know why were really there except to get rid of a war criminal which we did and to help re-establish a country trying to be taken over by muslim extremists which has to do with protecting us from another 9/11 attack one of those is enough for me in one lifetime
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 27, 2008 at 9:13pm

We are very proud and thankful for what our troops are accomplishing overseas. However, we are in another war that doesn't concern us. They hit us on our homeland, destroying lives and thought they would make America weak. We went over and gave them our answer by fighting back. After that, we didn't need to stay over there. Bush kept us over there to protect his interest in oil. Now why stay there fighting for oil when we have our own oil reserves? Not to mention when you buy and Audi car, your only supporting the war. The makers of Audi are Bin Laden's Family members. Just like WWI an WWII, we were fighting in these two wars, and they had nothing to do with us. The more wars we put or asses into the more the other countries want to kick our asses.

Comment by Nicholi69 on July 27, 2008 at 5:17pm
God and Goddess Wow so we leave and the place turns back into a Sadam state of mind or worse. and why because we wanted our troops home. Now before you bash me on that comment i am a US Navy Veteran. I knew when i signed the dotted line i could be sent into a war zone at the presidents becking. I knew my enlistment could be extended for as long as they needed me. I didnt Bitch i didnt complain I was a Sailor it was my JOB My next point is these men and women deserve all the thanks we can give them . How long does it take to shake a hand and say thank you. So what if your late to a meeting with a Iranian Official or whoever our enlisted men and women get very little compensation for what they go through. Now i dont really care for McCain but he is what i have to vote for. Now the race card come on man please. We have enough of that from Big Al and Lil Jesse. Now the whole Muslim thing i am afraid of i wont lie because the Al-Quedia said we will destroy you from the top. Not to mention how about saluting the flag and facing it during the pledge. Well i'm gonna quit talkin now before i get angry but thats just my 2 cents
Comment by Mick Mayers on July 26, 2008 at 2:18pm
There we go- intelligent debate and seeking truth. And interestingly enough, I too agree that we need to find a good candidate who will be a leader in ridding our dependence on foreign energy sources, since at our levels of consumption, it is truly in the interest of national security that we do.

Let's ALL work together to try to find out the real positions these guys have on the fire service and similar issues (since that's something this network could do that would be very helpful) and let people make choices based on facts. Does anyone have any hard evidence as to whichever candidate has offered any support toward our issues? (No hearsay please- only sources that can be checked).

If you all come up with some issues you want addressed, I'd be happy to write a letter to both candidates to allow them to say their piece. If we let them know how many people are on here, they might at least task a staffer to answer the questions for us. Let me know what you think...
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on July 26, 2008 at 1:15pm
Have to agree with Mick...I should have done some research on the Mail, but ignorantly didnt.
I am actually pretty p***ed at myself for not looking before responding.

As for the candidates, I wish we had more choices as neither one inspires me.

We need a president who sees the need for new trasnportation alternatives(fund amtrak properly), and new fuel fast tracking(wind solar, bio, nuke...), but isnt going to cut our throats with partisan politics that curb our countries ability to get rid of dependance on foreign sources of fuels. We need wind, solar, nuclear, and bio...but not at the expense of food prices skyrocketing as we use vast areas of the country to grow corn for ethanol. We can get oil from vast reserves of sand and have the technology to remove 90% of it. Neither candidate is what we need, but we need to figure out who is going to do less harm while in office.
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 26, 2008 at 12:31pm

Comment by Mick Mayers on July 26, 2008 at 11:47am
I can appreciate that and honestly, now is not the time for us to fight one another, that's for sure. The problem with politics in this nation in this day and age is that the rhetoric has become personal instead of focusing on the issues. A lot of politicians have bought into this and perpetuate it, becuase they think we are too dumb to know better. Ask more of your representatives and get to know them; they are people just like us and make mistakes just like us and are likeable or are asses just like us. They shouldn't be up on a pedestal, they are supposed to represent the people of this nation. Our duty as citizens is to become informed on the FACTS and to pick someone who represents our own interests.

It seems like so many people have bought into the negativity and name-calling that they forgot what this is supposed to be all about. You have a man running against a man. They are humans like the rest of us. Let's stick to the facts, quit the sandbox name-calling, and figure out who should lead this great nation. Honestly, I'll be happy with either for a change. We haven't had great choices in the past elections. This COULD be a good election if WE insist on it.
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 26, 2008 at 11:39am
I am not trying to start a fight. I believe everyone here on FFN is a family. It did, and I will say it, rack my nerves when Will brought up Hitler. No one I think can really comprehend his actions with the Jews unless you really comprehend what kinda sick bastard Hitler was. Its hard in today's world when you tell someone that your german and jewish and that person says things that make you strike. My grandparents on my mother's side told all of us grandchildren the horror stories. If your german and jewish who want to relive those dark times. Obama is a saint compared to Hitler.
Comment by Mick Mayers on July 26, 2008 at 9:17am
This is exactly what I speak of on another blog post when we talk about unsubstantiated and otherwise false information being spread on the internet and in blogs:


Please check your sources before posting what someone sends you in a "chain" e-mail. I am currently undecided between Senator McCain and Senator Obama, but when I go and check facts and see what kind of slander is being put out there, it drives me against those people. Both of these individuals have sacrificed enormously for their belief in how to run this nation; in exposing their families and their own credibility by running for the highest office in the land. Let's not join in with the people who would tear these individuals down with false information. I have never met Senator Obama, but I met Senator McCain in Reagan Int'l a few years back and he was a gentleman (even though it was apparent he was quite busy while waiting for a flight, when I said I was a firefighter, he shook my hand and extended his appreciation for our career) and I was impressed by his attentiveness. But I choose to base my vote on looking objectively at both candidates and not based on rumors and innuendo and especially not on something as far out as suggesting Obama should run with Hitler. Come on, man, give us a break.

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