I would like to say thanks for the memories to all my former co-workers at GADSDEN ETOWAH EMS.I want you to know that I enjoyed working with you.I want to say thanks to Chicken for giving me my chance,and I only hope that since I have been terminated I did not let you down.I know there are some whom I will remain friends then there are those who will probably not even look at me if you see me on the street.Just remember what I did was to cover my butt,and also to help everybody.The EMS system is still young and until more people stand up ans say WE ARE NO LONGER RUNNING OUT OF POS TRUCKS,NOR LETTING BILLING TELL US HOW TO WRITE REPORTS AND BILLING TICKETS OR TELL PARAMEDICS HOW TO DO THEIR JOB then the EMS system will never get better.I am only one person and can be replaced but if whole companies took a stand someone would have to listen.I only did what most people want to do.I just did not have anyone back me up.That is still employed there anyway.Remember this I care about each and everyone of you,and there is nothing within my capabilities I would not do for you.They took my job and I would like to say not my spirit but I feel it dwindling a little.I just wanted to make things better and they terminate me saying it is in the BEST INTEREST OF THE COMPANY AND COMMUNITY. If I never see you again I enjoyed my time here. It was fun.If anyone knows where I can get a job in EMS or FIREFIGHTING let me know please.

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Comment by WILLIAM HUDSON on April 15, 2008 at 11:12am
Thank you.I am searching for a good attorney to sue on grounds of retaliation under the whistleblower laws.I am also preparing to go to the press and uncover Gadsden Etowahs bussiness manners.
Comment by Rescuefrog on April 15, 2008 at 3:57am
It's a shame that trying to do the right thing isn't always the right thing to do! Someone has to speak up and I commend you for doing so. I lost a job in 2004 for making a report to HR about our manager. They were best friends, which I did not know. My best friend was let go last October for reporting the oncology office she worked for, for billing incorrectly and using incomplete or invalid blood tests results to decide if a pt needed chemotherapy. Unfortunately, many companies/corporations out there care about only 2 things, How to save a buck and How to make a buck! There should be a law that states companies that fire employees for whistle blowing (valid reasons) get 45 days of regular pay. Some ideas for you- apply at the local hospital as an ER tech, not the same but still in pt care or volunteer at your local fire dept. Sorry can't be of more help since I don't know your area. Best of luck to you.

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