John's Blog (111)

Fallen Firefighter Memorial ground breaking

Just got back from the ground breaking ceremony for the local Fallen Firefighter Memorial, that is going to be in Stubbs Park, Centervile Oh. Was a nice ceremony, The Mayor of Centerville and Rod Longapore and the artist, Jon Barlow whose sculpture will be placed there for our lost brothers and sisters spoke before the... family members who lost there loved one were the ones who assisted with… Continue

Added by John on September 1, 2010 at 7:52pm — No Comments

Local Firefighter Memorial

This Wednesday September 1st Our local area is having a ground breaking ceremony for our local Fallen Firefighter Memorial, at Stubbs Park in Centerville Ohio at 2 PM,

Added by John on August 31, 2010 at 12:40am — No Comments

2010 Ice cream social is done

Our annual social is finally over and it was a long day but a fun day. Not as big of crowd that we hoped for but still alot of people enjoyed good food an awesome demos. This year tho I was able to do the demos as the driver on the apparatus, that was awesome so I of course had a blast doing them. It was great seeing all the kids watch as each crew went to work on make believe extrications, car fires, and an old fashion bucket brigade. I am now looking forward to next years social.

Added by John on August 8, 2010 at 10:36pm — No Comments

2010 Ice Cream Socialfor Washington Twp Fire Montgomery County Ohio

This Sunday August8th from 11am til 6pm We are having our 62nd annual IceCream Social at 163 Maple Ave (Station 41) We will have lots of good food and lots of ice cream, as well as demos from the Washington Twp Fire Dept, and raffle for some cool stuff. If any one is in the southern part of Montgomery county come on down and have a great time.

Added by John on August 6, 2010 at 5:13pm — No Comments

Summer update

Howdy to all my Brothers and Sisters..Just wanted to write and give a sorta update. All things are pretty much as always we are up an down on being busy, I am still running in-house on a medic crew and run part-paid on call the rest of the time.As soon as our Department approves an agility test for in-house fire on days, I will more than likely take the test and go that direction. Doing so will probably mean I will have to drop the medic shift and possibly the part paid volley at night. My… Continue

Added by John on July 22, 2010 at 3:14pm — No Comments

4th of July

Happy 4th to all my Brothers and Sisters, Have a great holiday, Be Safe

Added by John on July 2, 2010 at 8:46pm — No Comments

Appreciation Dinner

What a great time last night at our annual dinner, had a lot of laughs and some tears were shed as we honored our fallen brother Jason Kirby. A totally great night and a ton of thanks to all who organized a great evening.

Added by John on January 31, 2010 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Finally cleared

Yesterday I finally was cleared to be a driver / operator on all of our Engines, Tanker and Brush Truck, I am so excited. I thought this day would never get here. There were days when some other piece of paperwork needed signed and dated, had some paperwork that was lost and had to re-do some of the driving, but patience paid off and I am now cleared.

Added by John on January 13, 2010 at 9:41am — 3 Comments

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all my Brothers and Sisters A Christmas wish to all, Be Safe this Hoiliday if you are the ones working, enjoy the time with family and friends if you are not working, and let us not forget those Brothers and Sisters of both the fire service, police and millitary who have fallen while protecting us.


John Washington Twp Fire Station 45

Added by John on December 22, 2009 at 7:58am — 2 Comments

WTFD lost one of our own RIP Brother

Members of the Washington Township Fire Department are mourning the death of Firefighter Jason W. Kirby. Firefighter Kirby died Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at his home.

Jason was first hired by Washington Township in August 1991. He served the fire department and the community in many capacities, including part-time firefighter, emergency medical technician and assistant fire instructor. He was a member of Ohio-Task Force 1 Urban Search & Rescue Team.

He was an active member and… Continue

Added by John on December 11, 2009 at 2:26pm — 11 Comments

Busy as usual

Well its been a LONG while since being on my favorite site, thought I would stop in since I do have a minute to myself, which doesn't happen often. alot has gone on lately. first the troublesome step teen and his fiance and stepgrandson have a place of thier own now. I have finally gotten our place looking like a home again instead of a trash heap LOL I have completed my Driver Op training and testing, now its up to the powers that be to sign off on the paperwork, notify everyone and then I get… Continue

Added by John on July 10, 2009 at 8:15am — 1 Comment

Sorry its been awhile

Thought since I had a moment I would drop by and post an eplanation on my absent postings. Things around here have been crazy lately, my stepson, whom got stupid and was therefore kickout as he was 18 y/o has since gotten back with his girl friend who lives here with us and has a baby by him. Of course that doesn't change the fact that he still doesn't live here. So besides working out alot and trying to get her to act like a mom to her son and the sudden babysitting that needs to be taken care… Continue

Added by John on June 11, 2009 at 9:36am — 1 Comment

New Cell Phone

Earlier about a week ago my wife and I got new cell phones and a new carrier, compared to cricket these are great, I at least have coverage now where I didn't before, I also have e-mail text and even a mobile tv LOL with the dept discount it is the same as I was paying for Cricket.

Added by John on April 21, 2009 at 12:48pm — 1 Comment

Egg Shells

I cannot wait til things around here settle down, lately my stepsons on again off again fiance had gall bladder surgery on Moday. She is home now but the thing that drives me crazy is that my stepson, whom got thrown out of the house has to be here to help with his son, which is good. The bad thing is I don't want him here, I don't trust him, and the way he acts. He already has cheated on his fiance more times than I can count going back 2-3 years. But now he has been saying his life sucks and… Continue

Added by John on April 15, 2009 at 10:14am — 4 Comments


Been a bit since I have been on here, all is as well as can be. Seems like lately I am more of a taxi driver than before my step-grandson was born, its like everyday I am running them here or there. The only good thing is that up until today I have been workingout every day, Today I am feeling a bit under the weather and thought better of it. If I am feeling better tomorrow I will hit the work out room then. We had us a lightning strike fire in a structure last week, nothing to big just some… Continue

Added by John on April 8, 2009 at 9:34am — No Comments

Excersize update

Hi Brothers an Sisters I have finally gotten a chance to get on and give an update, so far I am still on my work out regime and doing well, I am thinking I will be uping the reps next week on some of the routines. As for the other situation nothing really has changed, stepson is still being stupid and the grandson and step-daughter-in-law still are here with us. more updates later.

Added by John on April 1, 2009 at 11:47am — No Comments

Had some problems

Hi Brothers and Sisters I haven't been on here much due to some trouble with my stepson and his, I don't know if its now ex fiance or what, and of course they both live with us, with thier newborn son, my grandson, and as of yesterday my stepson has been kicked out of the house for cheating on his fiance, and being very disrespectful of both me and my wife. He is 18 and as soon as he turned 18 thats when it all started, his fiance still is here with us and we have told her we will help as much… Continue

Added by John on March 25, 2009 at 9:58pm — 5 Comments

Been A While

Hi gang its been awhile since I have had the chance to be on here,, I don't even know where to begin at. For starters My stepson and his fiance (who live with us, and I hope find a place soon) had thier baby about a week and a half ago, and let me tell you babies having babies is definitly not it, They have been to teen classes for taking care of babies but you sure couldn't tell it by the way they act around him. My wife just kinda tells them she will watch him on the weekend so they can get… Continue

Added by John on March 16, 2009 at 9:40am — 2 Comments

Medic Evaluation

Had my annual Medic eval done last night while on medic shift and I must say I am very happy with it. had a few satisfactory marks, alot of outstanding, an superb remarks down on my eval. Made me feel really great. Then our Captain asked if there was any comments or concerns about him that I might have and since I have been at the station he is at I have none, he is an excellent Captain and very knowledgable, since he has been on our Dept. I have learned alot from him.

Added by John on March 5, 2009 at 9:36am — 1 Comment

Training way cool Last Night

Our training last night was way cool. Dayton Power and Light came down and had a mock up power pole and showed us some of the things that could happen. How with the fuse out there still could possibly be an energized wire how the tree branches can connect a circuit on the lines. They even showed us the electrical field and how far it will follow a conductor after it comes in close proximity to the lines. Thier mock up when the energized it had with the transformer and all was flowing 7000 volts… Continue

Added by John on March 3, 2009 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

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