Hi gang its been awhile since I have had the chance to be on here,, I don't even know where to begin at. For starters My stepson and his fiance (who live with us, and I hope find a place soon) had thier baby about a week and a half ago, and let me tell you babies having babies is definitly not it, They have been to teen classes for taking care of babies but you sure couldn't tell it by the way they act around him. My wife just kinda tells them she will watch him on the weekend so they can get some sleep, HELLO, you have a kid now time to wake up and smell the coffee, so the past 2 weekends have been like a total nightmare, watching them try to act like parents, trying to tell them or should I say teach them what to do, and them doing the exact opposite, I'm going nuts here. Then on Thursday last week the baby spits up and aspirates some of the muck and starts choking, the run down the stairs freaking out calling my name, so I try and get him to start breathing and he only crys out a second and then stops again, they cannot find the bulb syringe and I don't have any other type of equipment here, so after a minute I grab my phone call our dispatch and have them send me a medic, cause the poor kid is turning blue and I cannot get a patent airway without suction. They take them all to Childrens hospital on an ER, I call the wife, she comes home and we both head down to the hospital. I am happy to say he is doing fine and only spent a night there for observation. I go and get them on Friday afternoon and bring them home. This weekend was more of the same the wife watching the grandson, while they sleep, and anytime there is the possiblity of my steppsons fiance watching her baby alone she starts to freak out, I told my son and wife that she needs to get over it cause in this life anything can happen, both my wife and I, God forbid could get hurt or die, and she is gonna have to grow up and learn how to take care of her baby while he works. I also think it has affected my 5 year old as well, but she has been getting in trouble at home and school since last month on and off she may go a week and be ok and then 2 or 3 days in a row she acts up, both the wife and I have talked to her about a newborn being here and we don't know if that could be a part of it or not, she says she understands but I don't think she really does. SO for the past 2 weeks I have been going to the station after dropping my daughter off at school and excercizing, and hoping that I get enough calls at night to not have to put up with the total cluster that I see my stepson and daughter-in-law to be, do with the grandson. This weekend we were really busy and I am sure glad it was, got pulled from the Engine on one call and placed on the back-up medic, and after the run was complete and heading back to quarters, we picked up another one ( I'm loving thi by the way ), when all is aid and done I was gone from about 10 am til about 3 pm, what a rush, yesterday was slower, which was nice got to call out of service and go pick up my daughter from Grandmas house, and then went back in service. I was just about to start dinner when we catch a structure fire call, we pull up 2 of the crew pull supply line to the attack engine, and dress the hydrant, the other 2 crew members and I are ordered to go to the back section and get our instructions there, they tell us to pull a second line and advance it to the second floor and check for extension (by the way the first due advised they thought they had it knocked down) once up there truck crews were there and advised us no extension on that floor and to go and back the line out, we did that and then was told to advance to the lower level to check for extension and again was advised we could back the line out. Afterwards we were assigned as RIT for the duration of the overhaul. Afterwards we packed in about 400' of 5 inch and 3 inch supply line and went home. WHAT A RUSH, only minor damage to the "c" side haven't heard of a dollar amount yet. Tonight is Medic shift night and am looking forward to it as well.

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Comment by anne potter on March 17, 2009 at 1:24pm
All you can do John is make it good for the baby... No matter what happens lol your a grandpa.... Old man.. Make it right for him or her.. You can't fix the other situation...You can do it John
Comment by Palmyra Chief Donaghey on March 16, 2009 at 11:15pm
John, Hang in there man, look at that grandbaby and think of the good your doing in his world. Congradulations GRANDPA.........Firefighters make great grandparents. Play Safe=)

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