Debi's Blog (5)

Walk Now For Lupus Dallas

Walk for Lupus

April 25, 2009

Historical Park

Farmers Branch, Texas

9:00 am

I have been diagnosed with this disease and will be walking to raise awareness and funds for research. I have started a walk Team, Butterfly Battalion.

If you would like to join my team either for moral support, financial support or to come walk with us please go to http://walkforlupusnowdallas. kintera. org/faf/r.… Continue

Added by Debi on November 25, 2008 at 4:10pm — No Comments

Wouldn't ya know it?

Wouldn't you know I would be diagnosed with a disorder that is represented by the color purple and who's name means wolf. Two of my favorite things are linked to this disorder that could very well reap havoc in my life. Two of my favorite things are connected to this disorder that is already starting to take away my dreams.

I have SLE or as it is more commonly known, Lupus. If you don't know, it is an Auto Immune Disorder which means the immune system cannot tell the difference…

Added by Debi on July 3, 2008 at 8:30pm — No Comments

I Love My Life!

First, before anyone says anything, I am very grateful for soooooooooo many things in my life. I know the only reason my husband is even alive (much less functioning as well as he is)is because God has blessed him and my family. T says that just before everything went "boom" he saw a white light flash in the corner of his eye which is what made him turn and most likely saved his life. I firmly believe that white light was God’s hand reaching down to protect him from the blast. I always… Continue

Added by Debi on April 8, 2008 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Where I have been

March 29, 2008 - Saturday

Life is good!

You never know how you will react or how you will handle things until they happen. 2 months ago I would have thought I would fall apart and become a complete basket case. I now know I am stronger than I thought myself to be, and I have a complete new outlook on things.

This whole situation has kinda put my thoughts into a new perspective. From the moment I got the call about the accident my prayers went from "please…

Added by Debi on March 29, 2008 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Who am I?

I heard something on Miami Ink last night that got my attention. It was a mom getting a tatoo to help her remember who she was because she had lost herself in her kids. I don't think loosing yourself in your kids is necessarily a bad thing, but you have to remember who you are no matter what happens.

When I got married I immediately became "T's ole' lady" and I carried this identity for a few years. Then our first born became my…


Added by Debi on July 25, 2007 at 10:34am — 3 Comments

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