First, before anyone says anything, I am very grateful for soooooooooo many things in my life. I know the only reason my husband is even alive (much less functioning as well as he is)is because God has blessed him and my family. T says that just before everything went "boom" he saw a white light flash in the corner of his eye which is what made him turn and most likely saved his life. I firmly believe that white light was God’s hand reaching down to protect him from the blast. I always knew that something could happen to him at any given moment (especially with him being a Firefighter), but I was in no way prepared for the phone call I got that day. T and I have always had a what I thought was a special love. I would have said we had true love, a relationship that was one in a million. I can now honestly say I know true love. I thought I knew what it was before, but nothing compares to the love I now feel for my husband. Every hug I get from him is more precious than the one before. Every kiss has more passion. Every word more meaning. Every glance more fulfilling. My love for him is endless, boundless and forever. It is more than just a feeling, it is a passion that takes over my heart, body, and soul. It is a love that is deeper than words can express. I now know I have my once in a million lifetimes love right here with me in my husband T.

Well, I was gonna vent some too, but I just can’t put that stuff on the same page as this. So venting will be put off for another day!

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