March 29, 2008 - Saturday

Life is good!

You never know how you will react or how you will handle things until they happen. 2 months ago I would have thought I would fall apart and become a complete basket case. I now know I am stronger than I thought myself to be, and I have a complete new outlook on things.

This whole situation has kinda put my thoughts into a new perspective. From the moment I got the call about the accident my prayers went from "please God let him live" to "Thank you God he is alive" to "Thank you God his face is still here" to "thank God all his extremities will stay attached", etc, etc. I have been told some in my situation would be freaking out over the burns and scarring, but all I care about is full function of the arms and hands. The face looks great, the ear has issues right now, the back will have scarring and we are still working 3rd degree burns on the left arm, but he is alive, functioning as well as the splints will let him, and he is mine to love every day for as long as I can!

I love my life, my Husband and our world!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly have a blessed family.

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