OK here's my rant! I am tired of coming to emergency service web sites and seeing the same issues being bantered about in their forums... it's the same old stuff, lights on pov's, leather or plastic, how do i become an officer...etc..etc.. it goes on for ever and evryone keeps responding. The one on this website that kills me is the reponse music forum....are you kidding me...and worst of all it's one of the most visited forums.

It's up to us , those who visit these sites looking to find and share information, tips , procedures, to keep the issues real. It's up to us , to teach those who are new to the fire service what is really important; how to do the job. It upsets me that many of the least viewed topics are the training forums. We became firefighters to do something, to be involved, Call me crazy but i would rather crawl around on my hands and knees pretending/practicing a search or advancing a line, setting up the rescue tools, using the saws to simulate venting a roof, than sit around and BS or watch TV. Why at so many depts. is training night the night so few show up? It's always the same night(s) every month. It's the most important night(s) of the month. I bet if you banged out the tones for a working structure at that time you would have almost a full roll slip. Everyone needs to practice, their skills, The most seasoned firefighter down to the newest member, everyone should be involved.

I try to look at my company as a sports team. the more and harder we practice the better we become. Look at pro sports,they practice everyday, look at paid firefighters they drill every shift. As volunteers it is more important to drill because it truly can be at anytime that your called. And in the companies i've been on you could be doing any job needed at any time.

So as we head into a new year let's try harder, to keep the issues real, let's push those around us to learn, and teach, and be the best we can. Volunteer or career , it's about being a professional.

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Comment by ee779 on January 1, 2008 at 11:09pm
To be perfectly blunt, the reason the least visited forums are the one's asking for info is because: their questions are answered usually by a few replies. For example, a few people have asked for training ideas, they were sent to the group "training ideas" and followed the advice.....thus ending the forum. On the other hand when you get a "kid" here asking a question about doing something most of us see as dumb, then procedes to tell us if we're not going to post what he/she wants to see, not to post at all.....as any other topic involving safety, it's going to be a long conversation!
Comment by fireman121m on December 31, 2007 at 7:49pm
I hear your pain man, I hear your pain.

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