Gordon Hennigs's Blog (16)

August 14

What a kick ass fire season it has been already 20 calls since the first of August the troops are starting to show the wear and tear a little. Are grocery bill for the first week of August was over $800.00 feeding the department. Everybody is getting a little nervous we continue to get smoke calls almost daily everything is tinder dry and temperatures are soaring into the upper ninetys and one hundred degrees this week. A mean light show moved through the area early Saturday the 9th of August… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on August 14, 2008 at 7:24pm — No Comments

end of July

Wow it’s been a while since I have made it to the page to post any thing that’s not good to much work and not enough play makes the Chief a boring and cranky boy. So all you probies out there need to be on your toes. It has been a heck of a month some where around 30 calls this month and on top of unbelievable amount of meetings and yearly ladder and pump tests it has been truly crazy. We were all shocked to hear of the deaths of two Washington state firefighters this is truly a sad occasion,… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on July 30, 2008 at 10:37pm — No Comments

1st week in July

well July is supposed to come on with fireworks and it sure did the natural kind, we had lightening the last evening in June and the first of July, the Monday lightening created a fire called the Rattlesnake point fire which was pretty tame until July 1 at 1700 hours when a new cell started its thing with High winds. The fire was pushed across containment lines to the east and became a threat to structures in fire district 3. Two Stations responded to DNR's request for Structure protection and… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on July 6, 2008 at 10:42pm — No Comments

last week of June

wow it has been a while since I have had time to get on this sight it is cazy! So let see if I can remember everything some where along the way wildland fire season started we have been out on 2 rather good calls one 5 acre and one 118 acre fire pretty good fire behavior. Building is really gone crazy I have been covering for the building official he is on vacation for 3 weeks so I have to cover for him. Fireworks are on sale so that should heat things up as well as the weather. I met with the… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on June 26, 2008 at 11:27pm — No Comments

1st week of June

wow what a week full of meetings, stress and training, first the meetings currently the we are involved in a rewrite of the county's comp plan which is something we have been interested in for sometime the fire service is trying to get a handle of wildland urban interface issues. The City is currently in a review of its water comp plan, that is another long meeting with several large issues. Training I spent one day at a Mass Causality Incident training that was very interesting and helpful. I… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on June 8, 2008 at 11:11am — No Comments

last week of May

This week has been the busiest of weeks, plenty of calls, today alone 2 calls a real heart stopper this am at the local nursing home, turned out they either didn't notify the alarm company or the alarm company forgot they were having a fire drill, comes in as unknown type fire, pretty exciting for a few seconds anyway. Structure fire in the afternoon in the south end of the district we were second out for that call, there are some issues with that station that we need to address at the next… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 31, 2008 at 12:59am — No Comments

4th week of May

what a week flood watch and all, meetings all day Wednesday, training the crew is liking the 5" line, a bunch of typical calls, activated alarm not much excitement with those. Green up is still going adding to the summer fuel we will have to deal with. Well so much for this week maybe things will pickup the last week of May. everybody play it safe this holiday weekend

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 26, 2008 at 9:48pm — 1 Comment

3rd week of May

Worked till Tuesday afternoon then drove to Spokane WA. Wednesday morning left for Portland and the Fire Rescue expo the morning started off uneventful then we reached Biggs Jct and they had a small grassfire so we helped out the local fire dept. and put it out with the equipment that we were taking to the show for General Fire. At the show I had a great time visited with some old friends and met some new ones. I enjoyed talking with Tom Eades from Friday Harbor at the show. Looked at a lot of… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 20, 2008 at 7:56pm — No Comments

2nd week in May

well here we are Saturday afternoon and in the middle of hose testing what a way to finish the week, the good thing is they should be done this evening so I can stay home on Mothers day that will make the wife happy. It has given me a chance to catch up on all the paperwork since the first of the month which is great. Still been a fairly busy with calls this week but nothing major, all routine stuff so far. Anybody who has never been a chief at a volunteer fire station should give it a try its… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 10, 2008 at 7:16pm — No Comments

End of April

Well it ended with out a hitch fairly busy around here don't know about the rest of the state, lots of paper work to catch up on after being gone for 9 days the preivious week. The transition to the 5" supply line has been stressful with some issues loading on the older engine we were not able to get the 1000' on the engine like I had planned, 800' will just have to do it should go easier on the new engine I suspect we will be able to get well over a 1000' on it. The price of fuel has me a… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on May 8, 2008 at 12:09pm — 3 Comments

4th week of April (vacation)

gone fishing, was a great way to spend the last 9 days fishing and camping in the great outdoors, the weather was not the greatest; rain, snow, wind sometimes to 60mph, but the fishing never did slow down.

Added by Gordon Hennigs on April 26, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

April week 2

well we finshed the week with some great weather in the 70's saturday and sunday that would of been great except me and a fair number of friends were stuck in a I-300 class all weekend that sucked. Paper never seems to go away this year has been the worst I have seen so far, lots of new develpments going on. We had no calls this week so that was great, instructed the other night on preserving evidence for origin and cause most of them seem to get it fairly well, some will never ever seem to get… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on April 13, 2008 at 6:30pm — No Comments

April week 1

Busy all week with the usual paper and a few calls nothing serious. We did go out mutual aid on a wildland fire for a couple of hours seems the ranchers are doing some range management burns but don't want to stay and watch them, they don't like it when we put them out, no permits, unattended, how many violations is that now. DOE will have to take care of those, the local fire district is passing the information on to the DNR, haven't had anymore maybe they got the point. weather is looking up… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on April 6, 2008 at 11:03am — No Comments

Thursday/ Friday

I'm not sure what happened on Thursday pretty busy day for us here with 3 calls non of which amounted to anything overheated furnace 0547, 2 vehicle non injury accident provided traffic control 1236hours (had to have a talk with the engine crew about paying attention when flagging busiest street in town and those guy's were horse playing somebody could of got hurt), and dispatched muddled another one at 2225 dispatched 2 stations to a one car rollover which was handled by the neighboring… Continue

Added by Gordon Hennigs on March 28, 2008 at 1:39pm — No Comments

Monday as usual

Monday was no different from the rest, it was a paper day answer the phone, did go look at a 32 acre spot to do some wildland training that will be great later. Tuesday morning cold outside 21 degrees this morning they are calling for snow late tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

Added by Gordon Hennigs on March 25, 2008 at 9:19am — No Comments

a great weekend off

Two full days with out a call, was able to spend the weekend with my wife and kids with no interuptions, this doesn't happen very often so I quess you have to enjoy it when you can. Tomorrow its back to the grind hopefully it will be a paper day only time will tell. Everyone have a safe one.

Added by Gordon Hennigs on March 24, 2008 at 12:28am — No Comments

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