Rick's Blog (7)

What should happen next?

Day One:

Theres a group of FF's sitting in the Fire House kitchen. Talking everyday stuff, just doing what FF's do. A racialy diverse group.

A person of rank walks in and sits with them.

One of the FF's say's, "Hey Sir, what did you think of the new hiring exam?"

He answers, "Ever sence that judge got involved, you know because of the sp---ks, nig---rs and other minorities, they've had to dumb it down. Their ruining…


Added by Rick on May 5, 2010 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

BFD Admin proposes "30 day removal from overtime for sick leave abusers!"

Here's the link to the Citistats meeting in Buffalo's City Hall --- Click on this link and listen to the BFD Commish and the Mayors Staff -: http://www.ci.buffalo.ny.us/Home/Lea...Buffalo_Videos"

It seems , once again the BFD line Firefighter will take one on the chin for "The Brotherhood!"

Recently the New BFD Admin proposed a "Thirty day block" on the Firefighters deemed by Admin as "Sick Time Abusers" - this would remove a Firefighters name from the call in… Continue

Added by Rick on August 31, 2008 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

Fear of the "Evil Eye" at the BFD raises concerns !

Some BFD Admin members have reported their fear of the "Evil Eye" from one of Buffalo's own Firefighters. They have reported that a Firefighter was parked in his personal vehicle out side of Fire Headquarters giving the occupents the , "Evil Eye!" after being suspended in March of 2008.

I did some research on this contravercial subject , it appears so did Mr. Harvey Cox, a Harvard divinity professor. you can find more info at this link :… Continue

Added by Rick on August 16, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Buffalo Fire Department - over time - whats the cause - who's getting sick of what ?

Is overtime in the Buffalo Fire Department is out of control? Many fear it could hamper FF's ability to negotiate a new contract. Some Union Officials blame it on manpower, some feel sick time abuse may be partly to blame. Whatever the cause or causes - some changes must occur as taxpayers are growing tired of increased taxes.

Buffalo City Officials say:

Fire overtime in the first pay period of the new fiscal year hit its highest level since Byron W. Brown became…


Added by Rick on August 12, 2008 at 1:00am — 7 Comments

Whats in your "Contract?"

Does your Union Rep , Company Officer or you truly know the “Written Content” of your “Rights, Benefits and Procedures” as related to your “Employment Agreement?” Would you stake your future on it?

All too often we guess - some times we hear “Fire House” table talk. Some people seem to sound vary sure when they tell their versions or interpretations! Yes, we have classes on “Fire ground Tactics” - “Standard Operational Procedures” - “Fire House Etiquette” - and so… Continue

Added by Rick on July 28, 2008 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Buffalo New York Fire Department - "Pseudo Military?" - I dont think so !

When and where does the "Chain of Command" start and end ? Is it actually adhered to ?

This subject has plagued Fire Departments for years.

Some try to argue a Fire Department is a "Pseudo Military Organization." Given that reasoning , heres a definition :

(quote from Wikipedia) In a military context, the chain of command is the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed within a military unit and between different… Continue

Added by Rick on June 24, 2008 at 2:11pm — 2 Comments

Politics and Union Fire Fighters - oil and water !

Are your rights under your Union contract "Enforcible" ?

Will you recieve the full support of your Union Reps if : Your a Sportsmen or gun owner ?

What if you are from one Political Party and the Admin personel are from another ?

Do you actually have "Freedom of Speach" at work ?

Would you be willing to bet your carreer on it ?

Would you be willing to stake your retirement benefits and healthcare on it ?

Do your own home… Continue

Added by Rick on June 9, 2008 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

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