BFD Admin proposes "30 day removal from overtime for sick leave abusers!"

Here's the link to the Citistats meeting in Buffalo's City Hall --- Click on this link and listen to the BFD Commish and the Mayors Staff -:"

It seems , once again the BFD line Firefighter will take one on the chin for "The Brotherhood!"

Recently the New BFD Admin proposed a "Thirty day block" on the Firefighters deemed by Admin as "Sick Time Abusers" - this would remove a Firefighters name from the call in eligibility list for thirty days, if Admin feels he/she is a "Abuser of Sick Time."

The Admin feels that by slapping the line firefighters for calling in sick - it will curb "Call-ins"(overtime)!

Why is it every time a situation arises - its the worker who gets slapped ? Where's the Union in all of this ? Is the Union President going to support this new rule/punishment ?

Many newer Firefighters have been "Uncomfortable" with whats happening within the BFD and its Union ! Are some of them being "Misinformed or Mislead?"

Buffalo City Hall Management is concerned this "Blue Flue" is hindering their ability to negotiate a fair contract.

Who's steering this ship ? Who's truly in control ? Is it the Mayor of the City of Buffalo - Is it the "New" BFD Admin - or are Union Members being misguided ?

Who will be the next scape goat ?

Question: By slapping the "Sick leave abusers" (usually younger or newer members) - doesn't that shift more overtime call ins to others up the line ?

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Comment by Rick on May 4, 2010 at 4:30pm
Sick calls end up with 14 day OT exclusion. The new rule that was written with the Help of a Chief - calls for Fire Fighters to be removed from the OT list for 14 days following a use of a sick day.
Comment by Rick on September 12, 2008 at 3:27am
Please , read this entire comment - before you share it !

City Hall asked BFD Admin to "Think outside the box" to find ways to curb overtime:

The BFD Admin has offered the City a new "Cost saving Idea!"-

Admin wants promote more high Ranking Officers and then maybe the Department will be safer and hence run more efficently.

I guess that makes sense - promote more of the highest salaried people in the Department - some of whom make almost the base salary of a Firefighter in over time now - give them a raise in salary - their overtime hours will increase because of a need for "Proper" supervision - at the same time , nail the line firefighters for being infected with the "Blue Flu" -

The Union President came up with an idea too - he is trying to blame the Firefighter suspended for wearing a "Blue Knit Cap" - the Pres and his cohorts are telling Firefighters the suspended one is working with the local media - what a crock of manure !

These guys are amazing - I guess the "Sixth" event didnt teach them a thing. In a court of law "Impressions and bunk room chat" doesn't amount to "Evidence"

Read this before telling others what you just read , Please! Now , I didn't say there isn't need for promotions in the BFD - there is a need and many are quailified and deserving of a promotion.

Thats not my position - I am only pointing to what others and I agree is the underlying strategy/reality -

1) Nailing the sick or injured Firefighters isn't the "Honest Solution" to the "Overtime crissis"- that will only create the "Impression" of an effort by the Admin. - yes, the Firefighters will take hits , because none of them will expose how they "caught" the flu or why ! The Union will defend each case and each person will be "Punished" - mainly because they have and will surcome to pier pressure - they'll take one for the team !

2) Some Promotions are made just to "feed" the upper level members - some go downtown - some get more "Stars" and all will make more money - bigger salaries , fatter pension and yes all the overtime they can swallow ! How could that possibly reduce overtime or the Departments swelling budget ?

Bottom line - some get played , while a few get paid ! Lack of true Union leadership - "Political Agenda's" - and self massaging of ego's has put the BFD in a downward spiral.

How many positions has the BFD lost in the last four years ?

Was there ever a time before 2000 - the Fire Department didn't stand side by side with the Police Union during contract time ?

Whats happened to your contracts in the last four years - is your healthcare better or worse ?

My life and career are set - I was fortunate enough to become a Firefighter when things were as they should be - they did take care of their own - no matter what Political Party , sex or color . Yes , there is and always will be issues - but trust and pride wasnt bought - it was earned !

God Bless
Stay Safe

Never forget 911 or our military personal !
Comment by Rick on September 1, 2008 at 9:17pm
So far it appears the Admin has chosen ! I say this because it was stated in the July 11th CitiStats session that no charting of abusers has been done . (See link below for video).

Others and I , are also quite sure the purpose of this new witch hunt will be to punish Firefighters for the out of control overtime - caused by the apparent "Blue Flue" epidemic . This issue is also addressed in the video .

Many people fear that once again - the line Firefighter will suffer to draw the heat from the ones who mislead them.

Also , by setting it up to look like they are catching the "Abusers" - this creates the "Perception" that those punished were the cause of the overtime crisis.

If the majority believe the "Perception of wrong doing" - because rumors and innuendo points to the person being targeted he/she is usually found guilty.

Remember in the BFD true "Evidence" of guilt is not needed - one only needs to read on page 39(depending on issue ) - paragraph E - Article XXIV - Discipline and Discharge - in the "Red Book" - this is known as the: Agreement between City of Buffalo,New York and Buffalo Professional Firefighters Association,Inc. - the last sentence in section 24.2 para E reads :"Compliance with technical rules of evidence shall not be required."
Facts - true honest facts are not needed when those who judge and those who created the "Perceptions" are one and the same.

Last point: You can bet there won't be anyone above the rank of line Firefighter who gets charged and punished -

Please check out the link below :
Comment by Brian Dumser on August 31, 2008 at 10:46pm
Is there a legitimate problem in buffalo with FF's abusing sick leave?

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