This past Fall we were doing a Survival class and one of the drills we do is the “following the coupling” drill. It is one of the most basic of drills and is well known throughout the fire service. We have posted on this drill before on using a cut piece of hose to hand to your firefighters and have them tell you which way would be back to the truck.
We get comment about how basic this drill this and some like to try and shrug it off. Well, as we all know, we must master the basics.…
ContinueAdded by Jason Hoevelmann on December 28, 2012 at 9:49pm — No Comments
Well first , Merry Christmas to all of my FFN friends , and a Happy New Year wish for all of us .
Earlier this year , I developed Atrial Fib Again an was not able to have cardioversion back into NSR due to a blood cot n my right Atria . I was put on a higher dose of Coumadin , and encouraged to increase my level of physical activity . I continued to walk daily , but it became more and more difficult due to worsening Shortness of Breath with any exertion .
ContinueAdded by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on December 13, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments
If you aren’t watching the new show on NBC called Chicago Fire you should be. The show has a great pedigree it comes from Dick Wolf of Law and order fame and a friend Derek Hass. I don’t give it a strong recommend because I know some of the people involved, but rather because it is serving an educational roll in my opinion.
After the first episode my sister called me. She was nearly in tears after having watched the show. She told me that the show…
ContinueAdded by Timothy O. Casey on December 7, 2012 at 12:43pm — 9 Comments
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