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FDIC HOT Class for 2015

We all know that getting water on the fire as quickly as possible is the best way to avoid bad situations. We also know that some of the best in the business have been confronted with situations beyond their control even after doing all the right things and were forced to make very tough decisions for survival.

Our, (Engine House Training, LLC), class is not an excuse for a lack of training in fundamental…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on February 2, 2015 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

America’s Worst Volunteer Firefighter is in Suburban Philly; Identified in The Daily Beast

If any one of the over 160 criminal charges filed against him are true, it would be astronomically difficult to argue with The Beast’s opinion that he is America's Worst Volunteer Firefighter.

Sadly, we see these news headlines all too often: Firefighter Charged with Setting Fires. What we don't see, usually never see, is a case like this volunteer firefighter. Authorities claim this guy, already out on bond from serial arson charges, did some other really, really, really bad…


Added by on January 29, 2015 at 6:12pm — No Comments

Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel tanks explode during truck fire

From time to time, hazards that we may have previously recognized as low-frequency encounters become something we are much more likely to face on a fire or other emergency response. Technology or culture evolves. A particular process or type of equipment becomes more prevalent in society. And we get to deal with that.

While the particular changes or improvements may be deemed to make life easier, cheaper, or otherwise more efficient or friendly for society — new hazards may manifest,…


Added by Ben Peetz on January 29, 2015 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Water + molten steel = Massive steam explosion

When it comes to facilities handling molten steel and similar substances, firefighters must understand the implications of adding water during any fire suppression activities.

While the event described here was not directly related to an emergency response, this is an excellent example of what can result when water comes in contact with a high-temperature, high-density substance — which in turn, flash boils the water into a massive steam cloud. The expansion of the water into steam…


Added by Ben Peetz on January 27, 2015 at 9:07am — No Comments

So I am seeking some guidance. I've been in the emergency service career for 17 years this year. I have worked as a career firefighter or medic most of that. I just recently (a little over a year ago…

So I am seeking some guidance. I've been in the emergency service career for 17 years this year. I have worked as a career firefighter or medic most of that. I just recently (a little over a year ago) became a certified law enforcement officer and been doing that since. I'm at a turning point in my life and need to settle in to a career. I'm torn on what to do. Any positive advise will be helpful. Continue

Added by Tony Frazier on January 23, 2015 at 1:10am — 1 Comment

SHARED BLACK EYE - January Magazine Editorial Cartoon

So you think your actions don't effect us all in the public's eye? Think again!

Click link below to see more of Paul's work or to buy prints:…


Added by Paul Combs - Fire Caroonist on January 20, 2015 at 11:57am — No Comments

My Take Away From 2014

Since the end of 2014, I have been reading and listening to year end thoughts and data related to the fire service. There has been discussion on types of calls, near misses and, of course, line of duty deaths. Numbers are broken down and categorized for each type of injury or death that is fire service related and then scrutinized. In many cases these are supposed to be used as lessons and to determine the effectiveness of different messages from different mediums about the prevention of…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 19, 2015 at 12:24pm — No Comments

Company Officer Daily Journal

This is a basic template you can use for daily journalling as a company officer. I am working on a full print version with will have additional resources included later on. Use this template and add what you need.

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 12, 2015 at 1:31pm — No Comments

Opposing Forces

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 2, 2015 at 3:44pm — No Comments

44.7 Percent on Backstep Firefighter

The numbers don’t matter – Capt. Dave LeBlanc


As we continue to discuss the future of the fire service and it’s mission as it relates to fire attack, protecting civilians and our safety, something has become clear.

The numbers don’t matter. It was less safe to return from an incident this year than it was to operate on the fireground. 9 out of 87…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on December 31, 2014 at 12:29pm — 2 Comments

Building Construction

           With another Christmas officially in the books, it's time to again look to the future. Included in that future is the ever changing face of your district. There is no better time then the present, to get out there and check on what is being built, how are they building it and what would you do, should you have to respond to an incident there. We have three booming subdivisions being thrown together and thrown together quick, the one is putting about two new homes under roof a…


Added by Rob Wesley on December 26, 2014 at 8:07am — No Comments

Opportunities for Training: Not Just on the Drill Ground

Many times we pass on opportunities to train or learn something although many situations lend themselves to doing so. Look for ways to incorporate the situation or circumstance that you are dealing with into a learning moment. The pictures below are of a company training on aerial ops with a candidate operator.

It was a call for an alarm sounding at a medical building after hours. After looking in the windows and doors and seeing no signs of smoke or fire and with the lock box key not…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on December 22, 2014 at 12:25pm — 1 Comment

Rest In Peace Brothers in Arms

May they Rest In Peace

Forever at our Lords side for they where taken

Before their time unnecessarily.

The lords wrath shall be felt be all those that where involved and those…


Added by Jeffrey Wysowski on December 21, 2014 at 3:52am — No Comments

Easy-Button Firefighting

There is no magic bullet, by Capt. Dave LeBlanc



As we read today about the incident in Woodmere New York, it drives home the point that no matter how much we train, learn, research and perform, this job is still dangerous and we need to be…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on December 20, 2014 at 8:11am — No Comments

Don't Wait for Your Ship, You Might Miss It!

In recent weeks I have had the opportunity to be involved in both sides of the promotional process: as a participant and as an interviewer.  Both are stressful and will challenge you.  You must be able to pull from your training, education, experience and coaching in both circumstances to arrive at a positive decision and hopefully with a successful outcome.

This post is going to focus on  being the participant in these processes.  In my classes on officer development I try to hammer…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on December 19, 2014 at 11:35am — No Comments

Firehouse Nutrition Tip- Eat more fruits and veggies....

Firefighters have physically and mentally demanding jobs which means we (as fire rescue athletes) have demanding nutritional needs to match.  Unfortunately, research confirms that most are deficient in some essential nutrients. The most common deficiencies are in protein, water (hydration), healthy fatty acids, and the essential vitamins. Research…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on December 15, 2014 at 12:46pm — No Comments


This episode of the Firefighter Training Podcast deals with a very serious topic about members who may be in some emotional distress because of the job, or factors in their life outside of the job. None of us would hesitate to help a brother or sister who called MAYDAY on the fireground, but what do we do with the thousands of silent MAYDAYS that are just as life threatening, but not being called.…


Added by Mark Lamplugh on December 14, 2014 at 6:30pm — No Comments

You’re a New Officer: Don’t Try to Save the World all at Once!

As progressive, engaged and enthusiastic firefighters, we all took classes, trained hard and created an image of the way we would be when we got promoted. We would do this and we would do that, damn the consequences and those we might piss off. But, when we got there, it may not have all gone as planned. Hmmm…..did you ever wonder why?

I have seen this happen over the years and it has happened to me during my first years as a young company officer and later on as a chief officer, the…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on December 6, 2014 at 12:33pm — No Comments

What is the Share The Load Program?

Being a firefighter comes with a ton of tremendous rewards. The brotherhood we share is unparalleled in any other profession. We sacrifice our time, family, personal relationships and family to be part of the fire service. I know for myself, not being an active Captain anymore, I’m still completely involved in the fire service in a different capacity. Helping firefighters who are having issues in their personal lives has been a 24/7 job for me. Instead on answering the pager for a fire at 3…


Added by Mark Lamplugh on November 28, 2014 at 11:52am — No Comments

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