  • Female
  • Bunker Hill, WV
  • United States
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Tammy's Friends

  • Bill Leavitt
  • Timothy John Dodson
  • Becky Hartley
  • Drew Swink
  • Jason Geer
  • Adam M. Grube
  • Bobby Kennedy
  • Klemen SMID
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  • Kendell Spence
  • Chris Kennedy
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  • david nencioni
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New beginnings...

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
South Berkeley Vol. Fire Department, Baker Heights Vol. Fire Department, Bakerton Fire Department and Friendship Fire Company
My Training:
Explosives Recognition
Firefighter 1
Firefighter 2
Bomb Technician Assistant
Arson Level 2
Liquid Propane Gas
Basic Auto Extrication
Basic Pump Operations
Advanced Auto Extrication
MCTO: Decision Making
MCTO: Tactics
Incident Command Systems
IRHMI: Basic Concepts
IRHMI: Concept Implementation
Fire Officer 1
Rope Rescue Awareness
Rope Rescue Low Angle Ops
Rope Rescue High Angle Ops
Rope Rescue Technician
WV Instructional Methodology (Instructor 1 & 2)
NIMS 100, 200, 700 & 800
CPR Instructor (In training)
& no longer a "FORMER" EMT-B (passed the exam again for 2nd certification on May 3rd, 2010).....
Emergency Response Organization Overview
Monitoring Division Manager Training, Intro
Field Monitoring Team Training, Intro
Analysis Leadership Training
Technical Training for CM Managers
Assessment Manual Training
Operations Overview of Consequence Management
Health and Safety Orientation
Emergency Medical Support Intro
WMD Response Training
Vehicle Bomb Search Methods
Security Awareness Training
Structural Collapse Awareness
Childhood Injury Prevention for Pre hospital Care Providers
AT Level 1 Awareness Training
National Response Plan (NRP), an Intro
Foundational Awareness of WMD/T
Effects of WMD/T Incidents on Mass Feeding
Preparing Communities for Agroterrorism: Awareness
The HAZWOPER Standard
Digital Photography & the Fire Investigator
WMD Incident Management/Unified Command Concept
Emergency Management Concerns for the First Responder in Terrorism & Disasters
Medical Effects of Primary Blast Injuries
Children & Nerve Agents
Canine Emergency Medical Care
Introduction to SNS and Mass Prophylaxis
An Introduction to Hazardous Materials
Intro to Continuity of Operations Planning for Pandemic Influenzas
Intro to Continuity of Operations (COOP)
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Awareness Course
Emergency Response to Terrorism
WMD Awareness
Prevention & Deterrence – Overview for all Disciplines
Prevention & Deterrence for Law Enforcement
A-101 Aviation Safety
A-105 Aviation Life Support Equipment
A-106 Aviation Mishap Reporting
A-108 Aviation Checklist Briefing & Debriefing
A-113 Aviation Crash Survival
Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Fire protection Systems
Hospital-Based Decontamination: Hazard Recognition
Radiation Safety Awareness
Emergency Response Team Coordinator
Unified Command – Awareness Level
Bloodborne Pathogens
Container Inspections
Emergency Response Planning
Evacuation Coordinator
Incident Management System – Awareness Level
Hazardous Materials Response – Awareness Level
Public Works for WMD Incidents: Basic Concepts
Basic Emergency Management System Concepts for WMD Incidents
Understanding & Planning for School Bomb Incidents
County Agricultural Response Team (CART) Team
Safe Practices for the Home Inspector
Industry Driver Operator
Industry Driver Intersection Safety
Adjusting to Changing Conditions for Emergency Vehicle Operations
Driver Safety Orientation for Emergency Vehicle Operations
Emergency Vehicle Characteristics
Impaired Driving for Emergency Vehicle Operations
Safe Backing for Emergency Vehicle Operations
NFPA 1001 Fire Behavior
NFPA 1001 Firefighter Personal Protective Equipment
NFPA 1001 Forcible Entry into a Structure
NFPA 1001 Rescue and Extrication
NFPA 1001 Ventilation
Asbestos Awareness
Building Evacuation & Emergencies
Airway Management Basic & Advanced
Aerosol Transmissible Diseases
Logging Safety Workshop
Basic Concepts of Wildland Fire
Theory of Search & Rescue
About Me:
I am a 32 yr old single mother of two beautiful daughters. I have been in the fire service for 14 yrs and hope to continue helping others the rest of my life. I love to surf fish in the Outer Banks, NC, go hunting, do crafts with my girls, help my community, listen to music, take training classes (can you tell from the list of certs listed above?), and just generally be a pain in the ass to whom ever that will let me. LOL
Day Job:
Mom, Screen Printing Assistant & College Student
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the Fire Service because my father was a firefighter. Watching him care about complete strangers as I was growing up gave me great pride. I have tried to teach my daughters that same compassion for others. I have been offered many paid firefighter positions over the years but the only payment I will accept for doing what I do is the occasional "Thank You" from someone I have been able to help. I also want to prove that there is no difference between paid firefighters and volunteer firefighters, we are all "PROFESSIONALS" but only some get a pay check to do what we do...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love the Fire/EMS service because it has given me a way to help others which is something I have always enjoyed doing!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
1. Lack of In-House Training and Leadership
2. Funding
3. Recruitment and Retention

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Tammy's Blog

Firefighter's Poem by my 3 year old daughter

Posted on March 24, 2010 at 2:30am 2 Comments

My daughter came to me about a year ago and told me she had written a poem. Knowing she was only 3 yrs old and had just mastered writing her alphabet I knew it would have been a miraculous achievement if she had actually written anything on paper besides the usual smiley faces and scribbled flowers. To my amazement she had not put it on paper; she had made up this poem in her head and had said it so…


An amazing story, please read!!!

Posted on March 13, 2010 at 8:21pm 0 Comments

This is a story I just happened to come across on a newspaper's website. I have always been a very patriotic person and take pride in serving my community as a vol. firefighter, but this brought tears to my eyes. Here is the link: http://www.wvgazette.com/News/201003121071

I am sure this story will be made into a movie someday!

Fire Department Oath...

Posted on November 30, 2009 at 1:41am 2 Comments

First, I want to thank all my fellow firefighter brothers & sisters for always being here to help me when I have asked for it...& now I ask for your help again. My department needs an oath to administer to our firefighters and fire line officers. I also have a question, do departments that have Administrative/Auxiliary members administer the same oath to those members as they do to their firefighters or is it worded different?

Thank you all so much for your time, it is… Continue

Guess who made it on to National TV today.....

Posted on September 3, 2009 at 11:22pm 0 Comments

Potomac Valley VFD & Bakerton Fire Department along with others responded to an incident at Maryland Heights today to rescue a woman that fell from the cliff.

For more information click on the following news links:




More links and info will be coming soon… Continue

I need help, please! Info on Auxiliary Members.....

Posted on June 26, 2009 at 3:14am 5 Comments

I know this may sound trivial but my department needs to implement an Auxiliary membership status. I am at a loss for how to write it into our Constitution. Is there anyone that could help me? That is the only section that I need right now. I would be extremely grateful for any help my FFN family provides me!!! Thanks so much in advance, be careful and stay safe!!!~Tammy~

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At 12:10pm on February 5, 2013, Daniel Hay said…
Tammy could you please send me your list of free training available. Thank Dan
At 2:35am on July 8, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.

Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.ua
At 12:57pm on April 13, 2011, Brody Zimmerman said…
Thanks! I couldn't agree with you more about training. I'm gonna look through your posts and try to find some websites. I like to get training as much as I can.
At 6:11pm on April 10, 2011, Stephen Messer said…
How are you doing? Tell me about your new business!!!
At 5:09pm on April 10, 2011, Scott Taylor said…
www.StreetSmartPO.com <--- Check out my site.
At 2:11pm on March 22, 2011, Brody Zimmerman said…
wow, you have done a lot of training!!
At 7:44am on November 2, 2010, djc 0106 said…
thanks for the add!
At 9:01pm on November 1, 2010, djc 0106 said…
thats great that your dedicating your time to the service. my hats off to you!
At 10:39pm on October 20, 2010, djc 0106 said…
did you miss any training classes on that list???? haha. stay safe
At 3:14am on March 24, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Thanks Tammy. Yes I know about getting back into it to quick. I can go to the office and do my paperwork and leave the real work to my Officers and firefighters. I trust and lean on them to do what they are more then capable to do. It is a priveledge to do what I do with people God has set along beside me. I am honered by the trust and support they give me and the job hey do. They make me look good. Thanks for your care an concern.

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