Eric Hamlett
  • 57, Male
  • Alpena, AR
  • United States
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  • WestPhilly
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  • Janet Fife
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Eric Hamlett

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Alpena fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Westren Taney county fire rescue Hollister Fire Rescue. Four years at these two.
My Training:
cert fire fighter and cert EMT basic Wildland cert storm spoter.
About Me:
Im a 41 year old const worker. Im married for 21 years now. My wife and i are both fire fighters EMT-basic
Day Job:
Foreman for an electric construction, inc.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping other people. And wanted to serve.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Just helping others brings me joy.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Road side saftey. While working MVA.funding

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Eric Hamlett's Blog

Job related stress

Posted on June 14, 2009 at 12:10am 6 Comments

Ok every one lets face it. we have a very stress full job. So how does every one wind down after a hard week at the office. I work with my horses.


Posted on June 7, 2009 at 11:22pm 4 Comments

Has any one out there been on a atemted sucide call with a young person? I have had one that is stuck in my head. Does any one have any advice?

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At 8:13am on July 24, 2009, Janet Fife said…
Thanks for the welcome. Such a nice group of people here.
At 10:21pm on July 22, 2009, Rom919 said…
Hi, Hey I didn't think we where ignoring you. One of the things about the saloon was to come up with new story lines and have new people help shape them. As you can see, our latest story has been the DUCK and if you look back thru the pages, it has been dancing, shooting Rudolph, and Cupid, adventures in the Hot Tub, and even some outback adventures including shooting on the range. So I think that if we have ignored you it has been by accident and we would enjoy your take on the DUCK story or anything new you can bring to the bar. If you look back at most of our craziest stories, you will see it is when we have had the most people involved and everyone enjoys it. So give us a try again Eric and let your imagination go.. Tom
At 2:40am on July 2, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
Yeah, I am beginning to think i was born under a bad sign. lol will call when i know for sure which day i am coming plan to do an overnight in Ft Smith then will also call when i get close to Alpena. looking forward to seeing ya bro. be safe and will see ya soon.
At 1:41am on July 1, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
Howdy Bro! tentatively planning a trip your way after the 4th, likely 6th-8th. will of course, call first to let you know confimed dates as soon as I get all my ducks in a row. another fun day with the van here today... had to put on new alternator & starter, also got the insurance paid yesterday afternoon thank God! then got bit this evening on the ankle by a baby copperhead snake... aint life grand...? so I whacked the little varmint with a shovel and then let my dogs eat him! put some silver nitrate on it to draw out the venom and except for soreness am doing ok. Hoping all is well with you and looking forward to meeting you Bro. be safe & see ya soon.
At 6:23am on June 27, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Hi there Eric; I’m Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is
If you fell like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
My address is:-
Leo J. Cartwright
246 Kay Street

Cheers Leo
At 6:07pm on June 14, 2009, David Pleiss said…
Hi Eric,
I wish you a great and save week and no bad calls !
Stay Safe Brother
At 11:50pm on June 12, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
thanks bro. have a great/safe weekend
At 11:29pm on June 1, 2009, Lea Ann Dinwiddie said…
Greetings to you also from Gillham Arkansas. Thanks for the friends invite!! Be safe!
At 5:21pm on June 1, 2009, Bill Claus said…
Welcome to the Nation from Iowa
At 10:52pm on May 30, 2009, Brent A. Ellis said…
Thanks for the add bro. where in Arkansas is Alpena located? My mom lives just outside FT Smith, and maybe I could stop by to see you when I next head down that way to see her.

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