  • 53, Female
  • Hagerstown, MD
  • United States
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  • Sean
  • Lori Kinsey
  • Scott Taylor
  • Peter Flores
  • Gerrad Young
  • Phoenix
  • Rocko
  • Michele Ferrell
  • Mark Fuqua
  • Fire and Rescue Concepts
  • Chad
  • Robert Dean Colin
  • scott foulk
  • Patrick Landry
  • Brett Smith

A "reverse lay" doesn't mean doggie style..

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Funkstown Volunteer Fire Dept/ Halfway Volunteer Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was in a very bad accident in 1989 where 3 of my friends died. If it hadn't been for the Firefighter's and EMT's that night I wouldn't be here. I am eternally grateful for that and I am giving back to the community. It's an awesome feeling to help someone, and every night before I go to bed I thank god for allowing me to have survived and for the ability to help others.

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At 5:32am on December 26, 2014, adel said…

thx you dani !

At 5:32am on December 26, 2014, adel said…

and me i want to  know you and your freinds  !

At 3:53am on February 16, 2011, adel said…
Just got back from a long over due vacation :) ..Wishing everyone a great rest…
At 8:28am on January 10, 2011, adel said…
Hey everybody, here's hoping you all have a wonderful and SAFE New Year!
At 9:22am on November 28, 2010, adel said…
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Day with family and friends and of course a great dinner. And as always BE SAFE
At 11:17pm on November 3, 2010, Mark Fuqua said…
Thanks for having me as a friend. hope you have good week stay safe keep in touch.
At 8:59am on September 2, 2010, adel said…
Hi there; I would like to Welcome you to FFN & hope U enjoy this site and gather as many friends as I have during your stay. I’m adel, a Paramedic from Victoria - Australia; if you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy…. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know of someone in that collects please contact me. My address is:- sidi salm 1240 el bonni annaba algeria
At 12:38pm on July 14, 2010, Brett Smith said…
Thanks for the add Dani. Stay safe and keep in touch.
At 4:55pm on July 10, 2010, JUAN PABLO SOTO MARTINEZ said…
hello miss i love you and contact whit you please my number in mexico is 001523781150009
At 9:47am on July 6, 2010, Michael Meadows said…
Thanks for the add.
At 9:26am on July 6, 2010, Bob McCartney said…
Thanks for the add
At 1:50pm on July 4, 2010, Daryn Simpson said…
hey dani thanks for the add how are things up in ur area? stay safe
At 11:16am on July 4, 2010, Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich said…
You know what you want and you just have to find that one who wants or at least understands the same things. It does happen.
I met mine 34 years ago. I have spent of 30 of those years involved with the fire service. I go on the road once in a while and our relationship now is stronger than its ever been.
Don't settle for anything less.
"Til death do us part" is not to be taken lightly.
Hang in there.
At 6:49pm on May 4, 2010, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey dani how are you hope all is well hey i am a patch collector and was wondering if you could please send me 2 of your dpartment patches to get my collection started you look cute stay safe her is my postal address

658 princes highway
russell vale nsw 2517
At 8:33pm on April 3, 2010, ALAN BARBEAU said…
i took my classes back in 1985 and 89 my instructors were paul wible and mike roberts i lived on st georges island ...stay safe
At 8:44pm on April 2, 2010, ALAN BARBEAU said…
hi dani,md is some of my old stomping grounds i got my fire training at mfri back in the 80s glad to have you as a sister fire fighter actualy just fought fire for the first time with na woman fire fighter last night and i wouldnt hesitate to do it again
At 8:50pm on March 30, 2010, Alan Docherty said…
Hey hows things going out your way?
At 2:18pm on March 29, 2010, B.J. Bobby said…
How are you doing?
At 1:08am on March 28, 2010, DALE G. PEKEL said…
Hello Dani,

Thanks for the invite! I'm so sorry to hear about your accident and the loss of your friends. It's great to see that you're trying to make the most out of such a tragedy. That's what makes us all better - So keep paying it forward and it will come back to you. All things happen for a reason. Nice Page by the way!

Best Regards,
Dale G. Pekel
At 11:13pm on March 17, 2010, turk182 said…
things are going ok how have yo been. been a little busy call wise here.

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