Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Federal Fire Brigade( US Navy )
North Cove(NC) Urban Interface
My Training:
FFII FFII FOI FOII First Responder SAR Swimmer Diver Swift Water Rescue Driver/Engineer Wildland Firefighter, Extrication Specialist, aircraft firefighter ICS 100, 300, 700, 800, and all the others that go along with it Haz/Mat Terrorism operations ( chief cook and Bottle washer)
About Me:
I first entered the fire service while in the military and became a full fledge firefighter in the winter of 1989. I truly enjoy seeing the people walking around now because of my department and me.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I believe it is my duty to protect life and property I also have to keep telling myself this earth is on loan to us from our children it was not willed to us from our forefathers
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The Brotherhood
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Low pay,lack of funding
the world is becoming more dangerous and the training we receive is not enough when we fill we have a hold on things something else comes along
Hi Mr. Campbell. I was coming down 221 on Thu. July 16, and saw your dept. responding to something at the golf course. I live in Haywood County, and was up toward Grandfather Mt. hiking the Tanawha Trail. Stay safe, and write back if you have a chance. Ken
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Thanx for the add always good to hear from a home town fellow
Stay Safe when the wheels start to roll
Bro. knott Northwestern Lodge #105
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