Hey everybody! There seems to be a lot of BLUE and RED members! I raise my glass to ALL the color confused people out there! Or as most of us in the service call each other...dedicated psycho's! Here's to the committed bro's and sister's...Be safe and keep up the fight!
How is your knee? Just what the heck did you do anyhow? I have having fun, My son Chris finally got voted off his probation in his volunteer dept. I enjoy watching him grow up in the fire service, but it is making me grow and feel old. Did you have your surgery on your knee yet? If so I hope all went well. I had to have surgery on my shoulder two years ago and that was a painful experience. I sincererly hope you are as pain free as possible. drop me a line, I will be thinking of you.
Be Safe
Dan Callahan
DTFD/ White Twp. PD
Hey K.C.
How's everything ging? We have beenbusy giving an attitude adjustment to some of the neighboring comunities Supervisors, It seems like my blue line is covering over my red line more days than I care t have it do that, But I am stll teaching at the fire academy two days a week and At Ambride High Schools Fire Cadet program. If you go up on th video page and see the Allegheny Co. Fire Academy May 18 by Chris Callahan you can finally see what I look like and see what some of my studnts were doing They enjoy the day cause they mis school. The last two photos in the vide are My son Chris and his sense of humor. Oh I am the short fat guy with the illegal facal hair.
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Avi Lap
thanks for the add and glad to here you lived in Pa. I have been to Harriam Tn. and I liked it there. Take care and be safe out there
Chuck Gorman Batt 15 Horsham Fire Co.
Hey KC. Just stopped by to check on you, I hope everything is going better for you. I kep my son Chistopher out late on friday, I started off by having him tapped out for a car accident with entrapment, When he cleared there they got tapped out to assist New bighton boro. for a house fire. It ended up being three houses on fire. They were out all night. I worked 12-8 at the PD so he beet my home he left his helmet on the cabinet I keep gun so I could smell how smoey it was, That was down right rude. I am going to have to find a way to pay him back. He also put his bunker coat in my bed room Did I ever tll you I dislike probies.
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How is your knee? Just what the heck did you do anyhow? I have having fun, My son Chris finally got voted off his probation in his volunteer dept. I enjoy watching him grow up in the fire service, but it is making me grow and feel old. Did you have your surgery on your knee yet? If so I hope all went well. I had to have surgery on my shoulder two years ago and that was a painful experience. I sincererly hope you are as pain free as possible. drop me a line, I will be thinking of you.
Be Safe
Dan Callahan
DTFD/ White Twp. PD
How's everything ging? We have beenbusy giving an attitude adjustment to some of the neighboring comunities Supervisors, It seems like my blue line is covering over my red line more days than I care t have it do that, But I am stll teaching at the fire academy two days a week and At Ambride High Schools Fire Cadet program. If you go up on th video page and see the Allegheny Co. Fire Academy May 18 by Chris Callahan you can finally see what I look like and see what some of my studnts were doing They enjoy the day cause they mis school. The last two photos in the vide are My son Chris and his sense of humor. Oh I am the short fat guy with the illegal facal hair.
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more then welcome to join Police Facebook -
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Avi Lap
Chuck Gorman Batt 15 Horsham Fire Co.
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