Chief 29
  • 50, Male
  • Bernville, Pennsylvania
  • United States
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Chief 29's Friends

  • John Karl Ambrusch, III
  • George Paladino
  • matthew haggard
  • BIG F
  • Heather Michelle Gray
  • Courtney Hummel
  • Cory Fanale
  • Chris Yothers
  • Tim Rapp
  • Tammy S. Kerr
  • Brett VanDyke
  • R. Ann Balmer
  • Lee Schell
  • Candi Sharkey

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Fire Chief/Commisioner
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bernville Community Fire Company
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Pro Board Certified Firefighter 1 & 2, VRT, Special Vehicle Rescue, Haz-Mat, Incident Safety Officer, Pump 1 & 2, Basic RIT. Just to name a few basics. The list goes on and on, I believe in training and continue to do so. Training breeds safety!
About Me:
My name is Eric Troutman, Jr and my radio designation is Chief 29. I'm 41 years old. I grew up in the fire service. It is pretty much all I do. My life revolves around the Fire Company. I enjoy passing on my knowledge and helping the next generation of firefighters, simply because a leader is only as good as those under his command.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It has been a family affair. I am a fifth generation firefighter. I am the first to be a line officer. I also find it to be very fulfilling to help others and give to the community.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It is what I do and what I have always done. It is who I am
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety, and the time to take the needed training as a volunteer. The need to keep the people we have motivated as well as intise new members.

Assistant Chief 29 Bernville PA.

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Comment Wall (71 comments)

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At 5:46am on June 2, 2009, Barb Andersen said…
thanks for joining me up as your friend. It is a great site and I am looking forward to learning here..
At 9:28pm on May 10, 2009, al hoffman said…
Hey ! I Travel from Trevorton to Morgantown every day passing right by your station . Just wanted to say HI and tell you how much I admire your station and the equipment you have . Be safe
At 4:27pm on May 2, 2009, Robert Bowen, Jr said…
Yo, Chief! Where is Bernville in our great Commonwealth? I'm from Clarks Summit, a suburb of Scranton, in the Northeast Corner. We're two hours from Phila and NYC and 5 hours from Baltimore/Washington, DC, Boston, and Pittsburgh!
At 7:03pm on April 23, 2009, Stephany Greene said…
I tell the people that look down on me for being a firefighter that they are jusdt not brave enough to do what I do. People think that I am stupid for risking my life to help others.
At 7:28pm on April 20, 2009, tammy henry said…
hi there! thanxs for adding me to your friends list, hope to chat to you soon.
At 10:32pm on April 15, 2009, Chad Furr said…
HELP I need your scba expert help I sent you a friends request so we can talk out of public view if needing email info and whatever tahnks
At 5:17am on April 9, 2009, anna m mills said…
hey chief
just wanted for now say hi from a southern nj'er and someone that has been in the service for 23 yrs. seen good, bad, and the ugly. But would't change a thing! i've definitely seem a lot of changes some for the good some no so good. laws laws laws now! and don't foget the sue happy people. but man i love the dedication to 911 i loved it, wish more feel and remember like the fire /ems /rescue /police / military feel!
At 7:12am on March 22, 2009, Fuzzy Carr said…
Chief I'm not sure how you made out with your CAFS training. But if you are still looking give me a call. My name is Fuzzy Carr Jr. I'm in NY and I deal with CAFS. Give me a ring # 518-368-2820 Later I hope.
At 10:28pm on February 28, 2009, David said…
hello from another PAer. thanx for the south of Erie in Crawford County.Town Called Meadville.
At 6:36am on February 17, 2009, ladyrehab18 said…
Hi from a fellow PAer and thanks for the friend request....where is Bernville located?...I'm just north of Pittsburgh GOOOOOOOO STEELERS!!!!

Chief 29's Blog

Hard Times

Posted on January 15, 2009 at 9:54am 4 Comments

Hard times are on the horizon for myself and it will definitely not be an easy thing to deal with. Everybody is looking for a way out and or someone to blame for the current state of economic despair the country is in. I have never been the type to complain. Nothing is easy and nobody is going to just hand it to you. I contribute my ability to cope with adversity to being a firefighter. It is my first love It is all I know and in a sense all I do. Even my job/business revolves around fire… Continue

Hero's have hero's to

Posted on January 9, 2009 at 6:00pm 0 Comments

Even though I don't consider myself a hero for what I do there are some people out there that call me and all emergency personnel hero's. Most of us don't look at what we do in that way. Do our actions allow for others to give us such a title? Here is the definition I found in the dictionary.

he·ro (hîr)

n. pl. he·roes

1. In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits,… Continue

Generation Gap

Posted on December 17, 2008 at 3:35pm 2 Comments

I feel torn between generations

The older guys still remembering how things were done back in the day want no change and would rather stay in 1970 and keep doing things the same way. Although they are believers in the chain of command they have been in charge for so long that they fail to realize that there are others out there besides themselves to answer to and for. They also typically have the mindset that if it wasn't their idea it's no good. They are also quick to criticize for… Continue

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