Stephany Greene
  • 33, Female
  • Union Mills, North Carolina
  • United States
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Stephany Greene's Friends

  • Crystal D. Carroll
  • jeffery cole davis
  • Jeffrey Dellis Mumm
  • George Paladino
  • Jessica Rivers
  • Rob Carlson
  • jorden caldwell
  • rhenz
  • Ghaith al adham
  • William James Hanford
  • Tony Ramirez
  • Nanny
  • Juan Loya, Jr.
  • Matthew Gable
  • Donnie Mathias

Stephany Greene's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Union Mills Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
About Me:
I am a proud chirstian. I am very very country. I am a graduate of RS Central High School's Class of 2010. Other wise known as the Palace.Most people in the other fire departments around mine call me little bit. I LOVE music. I am always reading. I am very creative. Everyone tells me I am to small to be a firefighter. I'm a CNA. I am taking courses to be an RN. I hope to get the chance to take classes to get my EMT Basics.
Day Job:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up around the fire department. I always wanted to be like my mom. She has been a fire fighter for over 25 years. I wanted to do something to help other people. I wanted to do something that people don't think women can/should do.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to help people.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
In my department we have alot of wrecks to respond to. Our biggest issue is people speeding through a fire scene. I have come close to being ran over a few times.

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Stephany Greene's Blog

Project Graduation-- History of Firefighting

Posted on May 1, 2009 at 11:15am 1 Comment

Ok... I never blog.. but here goes

I am a junior in high school. When we are in the 11th grade we start on this thing called Project Graduation. What we have to do is A)pick a topic that we like B) do a TON of research on the topic C) do all kinds of other stuff in relation to our topic D) Write a 5-8 page paper on it E) and present it to some judges and pray that you do good.

I chose my topic to be the History of Firefighting. I am trying to come up with a catchy title… Continue

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At 10:47pm on August 4, 2011, jorden caldwell said…
long time no talk
At 9:35pm on January 30, 2011, jorden caldwell said…
hey how have you been
At 3:45pm on May 1, 2009, Mark A. Duell said…
Hey Steph, welcome to CFA. Glad you found this group. I hope to hear some thoughts of yours in this group. We need, I need to hear how Christian teens are doing and areas where they struggle. I have 5 of my own, well actually only 3 now. Have a great day.
At 4:37pm on April 28, 2009, Attif J. Malki said…
Hi stephany; Good day,

I'm a new member of firefighter nation and my name is Attef from KSA, however I view all your photos and you look's strong firefighter, so keep it up.

Therefore, I would recommend you join a fitness program.

Attef from KSA
At 1:02pm on April 28, 2009, Allen Howard said…
Hey there. Welcome to Firefighter Nation. It's a pretty cool website, so be sure to look around some. Stay safe out there.
At 5:18pm on April 25, 2009, Nanny said…
Wow! that's awesome that you wanted to be like your mom.
At 1:32pm on April 25, 2009, Erick Wendler said…
welcome to ffn
At 5:20am on April 25, 2009, Brian Hayes said…
In picture 5 of 38 , why is that guy holding a weed-eater??? just made me laugh when i whent bye
At 2:41pm on April 24, 2009, firechief911 said…
welcome to ffn stay safe out there
At 2:15pm on April 24, 2009, Robert said…
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If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

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Email mail if you have any questions.

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