Hard times are on the horizon for myself and it will definitely not be an easy thing to deal with. Everybody is looking for a way out and or someone to blame for the current state of economic despair the country is in. I have never been the type to complain. Nothing is easy and nobody is going to just hand it to you. I contribute my ability to cope with adversity to being a firefighter. It is my first love It is all I know and in a sense all I do. Even my job/business revolves around fire protection. As I type this from my desk my lively hood lies in the balance and there is a hole lot of uncertainty.
By Friday 1/16/09 all employees of my firm will be on the unemployment line and the future for the company is uncertain. No pity here, I realize all things happen for a reason and I promise I will pick myself up off the floor, dust myself off and go back at it even harder than before. To me the true measure of a man is not how hard you fell down but how you got back up. Staying positive is key.

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Comment by Fire Chick on January 16, 2009 at 12:40am
sorry to hear about ur company...but atleast u have a good attitude, and u know that u can always find another job... i know if is hard but u have to worry about urself and not the others.. u have ur fam to worry about
Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on January 15, 2009 at 11:11pm
Hats off to you guys and anyone about to feel it ..it is scary out there but its a vicious cycle in life the down is what we are all going through the up on the horizon is its a major cleaning of our economis colon..and when it breaks it will be abundance ...All things happen for a reason and maybe this is a chance for a few of us to sit back a little and look at new avenues to maybe make a new discovery , business or start be it where we are or else where..at any rate chin up and we all have to know we each have thousands of Bros and sisters on our side even if just in prayers and thoughts
Comment by Beverly on January 15, 2009 at 1:25pm
Best of luck to you with the job search...keep your chin up and remember you've got a whole big family rooting for you!
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on January 15, 2009 at 10:04am
You have pretty much described my current state of affairs as well.
My company contracts with a large manufacturer and they are cutting big time. We are losing jobs every day and I expect by no later than the end of February, I will be unemployed.
But, I will update my resume, take some time off to re-stoke and go back at it again. I am not concerned about my future. Someone will hire me. I may not get the salary that I want, but everything will be weighed and the best decision made.
What's crazy is: I didn't get me into this mess, but I have to deal with the end result. Does that sound familiar?
We adapt and overcome.
I will.

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