Even though I don't consider myself a hero for what I do there are some people out there that call me and all emergency personnel hero's. Most of us don't look at what we do in that way. Do our actions allow for others to give us such a title? Here is the definition I found in the dictionary.

he·ro (hîr)
n. pl. he·roes
1. In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
2. A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life.

I myself consider the ones that are in the trade for a living to be my hero's. They put it on the line day in and day out.They see the worst of it and keep coming back, unlike myself as a volunteer who if I didn't want to do it anymore my livelihood would not be affected. The other weekend I went to New York City and whenever I saw a truck or went past an engine house I got chills and I felt proud to be in such a close proximity to the ones I consider my hero's.
It really never crossed my mind to consider myself a hero until last weekend my daughter showed me a picture she had drawn in school. It was a drawing of me in gear and a white hat standing next to a truck or at least as close of a rendition as could be expected from a nine year old. Across the top it said "My Daddy Fights Fire" and at the bottom it said "He is my Hero". When I read it my heart melted and a great feeling of pride came over me. It all but brought tears to my eyes.
I guess we are all Hero's in one way shape or form even if you don't think you qualify. Even though I have attained hero status in the eyes of my daughter I will continue to look up to and idolize the ones on the job and call them my Hero's.

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