ALS, BLS, or just BS


ALS, BLS, or just BS

I have been in Fire/EMS for 14 years, and have ran some intersting calls. This group is for everyone to tell there "War" stories, whether they are really "good" calls, or just completely stupid things we have ran into.

Members: 186
Latest Activity: May 7, 2013

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

one stupid call, but funny after the fact..

Started by kyle greene. Last reply by Bill Anderson May 13, 2011. 10 Replies

Definition of BS

Started by Russell D. Henry. Last reply by Bill Anderson May 13, 2011. 8 Replies

My BS Call

Started by Ben "Batman" Barry Jan 1, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by FlightRNKaren on February 20, 2009 at 7:19pm
Back when I was working in the ER....we had a young lady come in by ambulance complaining of neck and back pain after her horse threw her... She was brought in and I told her she needed to change into a johnny for her exam... The pt was having a hard time changing clothes due to a shoulder injury... so I decided to give her a hand... Everything is movin along without too much difficulty until I cut her bra off.... The girl had thick bushy black hair around her areolas which was about 2" long.... Of course I had to be professional in my demeanor but that was one of the strangest things I'd ever seen....
Comment by LT. EMS on February 2, 2009 at 5:40am
had a bs call today wend the super bowl was on blisters on pt that been there for over a week
Comment by fireman1049 on October 26, 2008 at 5:33pm
Nomex, it could have been worse,, the wife could have been in the back with u an the pt.. Of course that could have been disasterous for those in the back..
Comment by Nomex 207 on August 17, 2008 at 7:44pm
A few yrs back we got a call for a suicide .Got there, the pt tried to hang him self with a small nylon rope.He jumped rope broke hyperextending his neck and rope burns behind his ears. He's alert no airway problems.Upon asking what made him want to do this , he replies my wife is cheating on me.As we are packaging pt his brother ,who made the call, tells him he called the wife at her boyfriends. She gets there just as we are loading and wants to ride with us.My partner and I didnt think this was a good idea but pt wanted her to come. WORST RIDE OF MY LIFE!!!I'm driving and he's in the crying like a baby to the tec"why dont she love me" she in the front yelling back at him "shut up you F***#@% moron and quit acting like a pussy!!" I hope your happy ruined my hole night".....Why would anyone want someone like that..TRUE LOVE???
Comment by Doug Eiche on August 16, 2008 at 10:23am
hello people
Comment by RICHARD LOPER on July 6, 2008 at 8:09pm
hello people is there a chat room etc

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