• Male
  • Willaimstown , New Jeresy
  • United States
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LT. EMS's Friends

  • George Paladino
  • Lauren
  • Ted Nowland
  • Jenny
  • frank
  • Chrissy Redhorn
  • Jennifer Anders
  • Britney Lowman
  • Filiberto Rodriguez
  • patti
  • Tamara Yoder
  • John Taylor
  • Jason De Vries
  • Jessica
  • Melanie


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Welcome, LT. EMS!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Lieutenant, Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Cecil Fire Company
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Fire Fighter 1 , Emt-B
Day Job:
Run Ems for Millville
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
there was a sign for vol. so i went up and sign up ,oo my fater& grand father were fire fighters
Why I Love Fire/EMS
b/c you get to go into burning building and you help people all the time

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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 7:30pm on March 25, 2009, Lauren said…
negative... i was at EMT class in Salem County...
At 11:47am on February 3, 2009, patti said… is that the one your taking about , why is your helmut that color ive been around fire dept stuff for YRS and i mean YRS and ive never seen a helmut that color what's that all about
since your a vol what else do you do ? i mean when your not on runs? your regular job
don't you have any snow there ? man we have about 16 inches on the ground right now be safe Kev
At 4:35am on February 3, 2009, patti said…
our fire dept is Volunteer as well here and the one my oldest sons at is too, sometimes i dont like to say that because you know what people think of Vols but in a situation would you ask are you a vol or a paid ff or emt would it matter ? i dont think so as long a they were doing what they should PAID OR NOT heading off to work be safe!
At 6:28pm on February 2, 2009, patti said…
sounds like here but for the fire calls there's private depts the city hires here for EMS runs there's ambulances all over the place!!

my husband just ran to my sons to watch his kids so he could go on a run!
dont you hate it getting out of a warm cozy bed to get out and be called back!!
be safe you !!!
At 4:34am on February 2, 2009, patti said…
ok ive added you to my AOL list but you didnt say what your name was

heading off to work now have a safe one !!! and remember always take care of you !

chat soon
At 5:13pm on February 1, 2009, patti said…
My son and his wife are coming over to have pizza and watch the superbowl

hope to have a chance sometime to chat

i have a mac and am on ICHAT or AOL its if you'd like to chat sometime !
At 5:11pm on February 1, 2009, patti said…
You sound like my husband use too but hes done it for 25 yrs but my on sons the same way now , he's an EMT tech II in emergency at the hospital i work at , he's been there for 4 yrs now but here in MI to be a paid ff you have to be a paramedic as well so off to school he went ,

by the way
what's your name if you don't mind me asking ? You may have seen ,my names Patti

Im very proud of my family , sons, husband , brothers and my dad....

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