What is a usual response of units in your area when units are dispatched.
Ours would go like this.
Basic ambulance call. 1 Basic ambulance.
Serious medical call. 1 Basic ambulance and 1 paramedic ambulance. Also a engine or closest unit to the call maybe dispatched.
Local Alarm could be a car fire, brush or outside fire or investigation. 1 engine.
Anything dispatch gets as being greater than a local additional units will be added.
A truck fire could be 2 engines. A task force could be dispatched for brush fire during a brush season which would be 2 engines, 2 4x4 brush units and a tanker.
MVA 1 basic ambulance and 1 engine unless its in a heavy rescue squad's local area then it will be dispatched with the ambulance.
Any MVA where speeds are over 40 MPH then 1 ambulance,1 paramedic ambulance, 1 engine and heavy rescue. Additional units will be added by the on the scene officer.
A county EMS officer will also be added if the call has more units add.
Rescue local could be for a water, high rise, collaspes or confinded rescue which could bring out water rescue teams or the tactical rescue teams with units for a MVA plus other needed units. A house fire or street assignment will have 3 to 4 engines, 2 ladders(truck) or towers, 1 heavy rescue and a battalion chief. If the area is in a non hydrant area 2 to 3 tankers will be added.
Box alarm is for anything from a commerical building or operation to a aircraft crash which could have the same assignment like a house fire with 1 ladder added or special units like a haz mat squad or foam unit.

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Medical: Engine company in the district. The Rescue gets dispatched if the Engine is tied up at another call. We have a private EMS ambulance service at the ALS level.

MVC: Rescue, Engine, Ambulance.
Fire alarm activation: Engine, Rescue, Ladder.
Fire alarm activation from target hazards: 2 Engines, Rescue, Ladder, Car 2.

Working fire/1st alarm: 3 engines (1 as RIT), Ladder, Rescue , Car 2. Offf duty recall to staff reserve engines.

2nd alarm: 2 reserve engines to the fire, mutual aid companies. When out tower ladder gores into service, an additional Ladder company will respond on working fires.

At a third alarm, the dispatch center for the mutual aid district coordinates responses to the fire and to cover. Our run cards go up to 10 alarms. Anything greater than that, the Massachusetts Statewide Mobilization plan gets activated.
Basic responses

Medical Aid- Engine and medic. Medic is ALS. This includes MVAs unless it is reported as victims trapped or a roll-over.

Still Alarm- 1 Engine. Vehicle fires, dumpsters etc.

1st Alarm- 3 Engines, 1 Truck and a BC. A commercial 1st gets you 4 Engines and 2 Trucks.

2nd Alarm will get you the same as a 1st but with a Rescue and more chiefs.

High Wildland Responses. This will usually be a 1st alarm of Type III Engines and a 1st alarm of Type I for structural protection.
On our second alarms. The same numbers units are dispatched along with 1 basic ambulance, 1 paramedic ambulance, EMS officer, safety officer and a water supply company which is a fire company with large diameter hose and a two thousand GPM pumper. This a two unit company of a hose wagon and the pumper and appliances for water distribution for other units.
The county fire chief or one of his officer may respond on the call.
There maybe staging of units until called to the scene. The canteen unit can also be called for and depanding on the weather one of the fire dept buses as a comfort or rehab station.
If it goes above the second additional units and mutual aid departments will be called in from other counties.
If we get a mass casualty event we have two large supply units(like moving vans)and a transport bus and others from the other jurisdictions and the military. Helicopters from the state police and US Park Police and military.
I was looking for what will go on the call.
we usually run 2 to3 trucks depending on the call but if it is a structure we call other departments in the county
that's great IF you have thr resources in your community....But what about the rural areas...? Each Fire district may be different..but in ours...EMS call....Basic life support unless call indicators point toward ALS...MVA...Ambulance, Crash truck, Engine and tanker(we have to carry our water with us)...Structure fire.....One Engine, tanker/or tankers, "Equipment truck"(manpower and extra air packs) Command vehicle and we put neighboring departments either on standby or have them dispatche as well with all available equipment and manpower for "mutual aid", while we are out we have a department send an engine and tanker to stanby our firehouse for any additional calls....Up here we depend heavily on mutual aid....as every other department does as well....
I won't knock how other area's of the country operate. Just wanted to see how they do it and with what they have available to them.
We have a metro, urban and rural settings in our county. Being that we border Washington DC we have a mass of people living with in the inner Beltway that surrounds the city then has you move out from there it has areas where it was rural and has been filling up with homes and business and shopping centers. The only rural areas we have left are in the Southeast corner of the county where farming is still happening but many new homes and subdivisions try to move in on those areas. Some of those area are non hydrant areas and two stations in that area have tankers and tankers from two other stations in the county that are used for highway responses and from three other counties. There are also large water tanks that have been placed in those areas for tanker relay operations until a hose relay is set up from a water source in the area. Thats where the water supply company will also be called in.
Once in a while we have a barn fire in my area from abandoned farm that hasn't been taken over by some builder. I can see a barn in my neighborhood from the street I live on. I don't know how my fire company and others will get to it if it catches fire.
Fire Alarm activation and/or reports of smoke and/or fire gets a 1st alarm = 1 Eng Co, 1 Truck co

Confirmed Structure Fire gets a 2nd Alarm = 2 additional Eng Co, 1 additional Truck Co, 1 ALS Ambulance, 1-2 Chiefs

Medical = 1 ALS Ambulance

Critical Medical or Multiple Patients = 1-2 ALS Ambulance, 1 Eng or Truck Co

MVA = 1 ALS Ambulance, 1 Rescue Eng or Truck Co

Rescue = 1 ALS Ambulance, 1 Rescue Eng or Truck Co, Regional Tech Rescue Team, 1-2 Chiefs
Box alarm = 5 engines 2 trucks (depending on the area the heavy rescue) 2 battalion chiefs 1 medic
Rescue alarms = 1 engine,1 truck,1 squad,1 medic,1 EMS officer,1 battalion chief, battalion chief of EMS and 1 medic
Medical depends on the type, non breathing= 1 company (truck or engine), 1 medic and a ems officer
shooting would just be a company and a medic, and like a man down would just be a medic
Tactical box= 2 engines and a truck
here we have the "Auxlilary" units, first call just send the basics, there's always a officer on scene at every call, it's up to the officer in charge to dispatch out the "Auxlilary" units.

each night the auxlilary units consist of 10 members for 48 hours are "on call" everything is paid for, ie: time off work, travel, ect. from the time they arrive to the scene to the time they return back to the station.

auxlilary units are a blessing for our dept. if there is a need to get addtional units called we call the next town, I go to every call where i'm a medic...often times i end up fighting the fire rather than tending to the medical side of things...
Since my department is volunteer this is how it would go...

EMS Call Priority 3 and 4 - Basic Ambulance
1 and 2 - Basic Ambulance w/ medic unit

MVC/MVA - Fire and EMS and/or paramedics
Fire alarm - Fire and EMS
Working structure fire - whole house goes with ems...depending on how big it is we would call in mutaul aid and fill ins

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