Hey kids,

just got back from a call and had to talk about it.

I think just about every ff knows that we are never really appreciated by the public until they need us. Thats fine, I'm not a ff for the public's adoration. I do it because I love it!!!!!

Anyway, When I was still in high school, a few years back now; there was a kid that thought he was just the hottest shit on the planet, the typical jock type that just always found a way to piss me off. lol anyway, after highschool, I would see him around every now and then and he would almost always mention the fact that he thought our towns fire department was just a bunch of clowns with gear in big red trucks.

Well.... some of you may have figured out where I am going with this lol... When the pager went off tonight for a single car MVC with injuries, i took off to the station and jumped on the rescue, heart pumping fast like always lol...

We get on scene and who do I find but this same kid being helped to the rig by the medics that were already on scene. The BRAND NEW ford ranger held up considerably well for being rolled over in a cornfield. LOL So... after securing the vehicle and getting the numbers, I walked up to IC and asked what they wanted from me. I couldnt help but smile when the chief told me that the medics wanted an extra set of hands for the ride up to the hospital. I casually walked over to the rig and hopped in the back, looked at the pt. and just smiled at him as he sat there crying for his mom who then came in the side door of the bus. It was an interesting ride to the hospital watching this kid (who always acted like such a badass) cry in his moms hands the whole way. LOL

Anyway... whats the point of this you ask???? There really isnt one.

Just had to talk about it cuz i'm still sitting here smiling.

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Comment by Dustin J. Millis on August 3, 2009 at 12:03am
I think I handled the situation very professionally. I could have jumped in the rig and said something to him (being that I knew his name and who he was.) I rode up to the hospital doing everything the medics asked me to do.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on July 29, 2009 at 11:35pm
Yes, what goes around comes around...But have you ever asked yourself if it was "professional" to act the way that you describe...? Are we here doing what we do for admiration or because we love it all and want to give back to our communities...? You know, make our town, city, village just a little safer.....I know my answer....Stay safe...Keep the Faith....Paul
Comment by Kirk Watkins on July 28, 2009 at 5:02pm
It's poetic justice when we can just sit back and say nothing meanwhile you know what they're thinking.
Comment by Mike Holden on July 28, 2009 at 4:25pm
I know the feeling years ago had a similar run in.

A law enforcement officer from a neighboring city son played baseball on the same team as my son. Well he made it known that he did not like or respect volunteer firefighters. At all most every game or practice he would make comments that Volunteers should not have radio’s and other such comments. One afternoon during a ball game the tone went out for a possible heart attack I was the first arriving unit. And guess who was sitting in the floor holding his dad, you guessed it the law enforcement officer. Well I took care of the patient and ready him for transport until EMS arrived and he made a full recovery. Even though he never said thanks or apologized for what he had said in the past at the ball fields he never complained about volunteers at the games anymore.

Just go’s to show no matter how big or bad you think you are one day every one will need some kind of help.

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