For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and for some, the most exercise we get is walking from the bunk room to the kitchen table. Okay... enough rambling... what are we going to do about it? Well I cant make you get on the treadmill but I have an idea that I hope will inspire. FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!! Wait... is that copyrighted? Oh well... is copyrighted even a word? lol. Okay so heres how it works... Use this blog page to post your starting weight. Come back as often as you like to post your progress. After six months we declare a winner. What do I win you ask???? How bout a healther life and a new body to show off. (Unless the webchief feels like pitching in some cabbage for a shiny new car or something lol.) I can hear it already. "what about you dustin??? are you going to be in the contest too???" As a matter of fact I am!!!! I may not need to lose a whole lot of weight but anyone can always be healther. So... here goes... just got on the scale. My starting weight is 178. One problem I do have is high BP so I'm gona track that too and see if I can bring it down. Starting BP (damn... taking your own bp is not easy lol)... 158/98. Yeah, I told you it was high lol.

Dont be afraid to join the group "fitness for Emergency Services." Theres alot of good people with alot of good ideas there that can help you get started. Also, there is a ton of information online that you can find about losing weight properly and eating healthy so check it out!!! Okay kids... lets get started!!!

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Comment by Melissa Larkin Urban on June 19, 2009 at 3:08pm
This sounds like a great idea! It was something that was being discussed by a couple of us at my department, but it went nowhere fast with a ton of different reasons given. The determination has kicked in and after yesterday's doctor apt and seeing what the scale said, there's even more of a determination in me to drop the weight. I'm 5'7" and 200lbs. I fought thryoid cancer for the past year and finally kicked it's ass earlier this year. Now I'm trying to get rid the excess weight and get back to my normal weight of 160lbs. Maybe I'll make it almost 30 minutes on air instead of 10-15! My goal is to fit into the "little black dress" for my one year anniversary in my department... Here goes nothing! (Well, hopefully 40lbs...)
Comment by Mallory Turner on June 19, 2009 at 5:13am
I need help. I have the kind of asthma that I only get when I work out, I think it's called athlete's asthma? Anyway, I don't want to be dependent on it forever, is there some way to work my way off of using it? I only started using it in academy, which was last year, so it hasn't been a long time. I can't run without it or I get a sharp burning pain in my chest and can't breath without coughing up tons of phlegm hours later. It's gross. Any help?
Comment by Patience Ryan on June 18, 2009 at 8:59pm
update at present. no weight loss to report, though my pants seem to be fitting looser. Stress level has gone through the roof lately due to family situations and job changes. (two family members in the hospital on opposite sides of the state) Most lately focusing on getting my body out of 'starvation mode' so it doesn't store everything I eat. I can easily put on weight by not eating enough.
Comment by Kirk D. Baughman on June 18, 2009 at 7:51pm
ok i started at 340 i weighed myself two days ago i'm down to 334. i'm glad i lost a few pounds i can do better. it takes time. i been drinking more water and eating less.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on June 18, 2009 at 12:31am
So.... How is everyone doing so far???
Comment by Rob Cheesman on June 15, 2009 at 11:37am
Well I had my surgery last Wednesday the 10th of June and since then i have lost 19lbs and I feel real good I hope this continues for everyone out there that has lost weight congrats and keep up the good work!
Comment by Jeff Reinesch on June 12, 2009 at 1:32pm
My starting weight is 245 and my target weight is 200
Comment by Mallory Turner on June 11, 2009 at 1:06am
Ah... okay, I'm 215. I want to get down to 180 by the end of the year. I can totally do it I just have to follow through with my workouts. Good luck everyone!
Comment by Bendone on June 9, 2009 at 5:36am
I started out at 345 in March of 2008. I got down to 245 by January But i'm back up to 258 now. My goal for this year is to get to 200. With the warmer weather comming I'm looking forward to more out door activity.
Comment by John Bierling on June 4, 2009 at 5:48am
For EVERYONE who has been responding to this blog. Please be the "Biggest Releaser" of unwanted pounds and be the "Biggest Winner" in life. Diets don't work, you must have a life style change. I lost 90 pounds in 8 months and improved my health in every way. This is better than surgery and provides a real legitimate life change that I will stay with for the rest of my long life. No gimmicks, no drugs, all natural. I'm happy to share my story with anyone who seriously wants to take this journey with me. Thanks, John

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