Today is Patriot day, September 11th, 2009. Eight years since the 9/11 tragedy. Eight years since thousands of people lost their lives in a matter of less then two hours. Sons, daughters, fathers, mothers. All lost in what seems like the blink of an eye. All lost for reasons we may never understand. My heart breaks for the families and friends who all lost someone that day. They watched the news in terror; just waiting, hoping, praying for someone to walk through the door just one more time. Some remembering the good times they had with their lost loved one. Others regretting that fight they had the night before, wondering why they didnt say "I Love You" just once more. Some regretting they survived, wondering why the person sitting next to them didnt make it while they walked away.

All were affected in someway that day. Even those who didnt lose someone, lost something. While three buildings collapsed and toppled, all of America lost a piece of itself.

We lost 343 brothers that day. All fulfilling their duty, all doing their job, all answering their final call. I wear that number on my chest now, every day a reminder of what was lost on that fateful day. A memorial to the men who gave their lives. May we never forget them.

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Comment by LondonV on September 16, 2009 at 2:20am
The 9/11 tragedy will always be part of our lives. The people who sacrificed their lives and the people who survived such incident is called heroes. No pay day can be replace the lives of firemen, police, medics and other volunteers who never stop searching for possible people that were alive and buried deep under the pieces parts of twin tower building. I still remember the tears and sorrows that field the streets of the family who are longing and lost their love ones because of the tragedy. If only we can bring back the past, then we can just say, “I love you” to people we valued the most just for the last time. I just hope that even decades will past by, we will never forget the people who we called heroes on that very day! Hope there will be no more lives to be sacrifice just for selfishness reasons and pride.
Comment by Dan on September 12, 2009 at 1:23am
Every time I see the numbers 343, 911 I stop and think about that day. I was unable to turn off the tv for days after that just had to see more, know more, it was like a bad dream I wasn't able to stop.

The year after it was said that the 11th would be Patriot Day. So why is it not marked on the calendar as so?

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