  • 39, Female
  • Lawrence, Kansas
  • United States
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Ashleigh's Friends

  • Tony Swetson
  • Travis
  • J. Desario
  • Jaime R. Barrera Jr.
  • Chad Furr
  • Dave
  • JOHN Barber
  • Brandon J. Cole
  • Ted Nowland
  • George
  • Roy de Leon Jr.
  • Billy Deatherage
  • Justin Westmoreland
  • Heather
  • kris

Ashleigh's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Palmyra Township
Years With Department/Agency
2 years
My Training:
Don't have too much school yet but I'm always looking for training opportunities and can't wait to go back to school for my medic! My department is full of great guys who are a wealth of information also!
About Me:
Well I have a 6 month old daughter who is my world, my joy, my motivation! I'm passionate, outgoing and determined person who knows how to work but loves to have fun as well! I love doing anything outdoors like 4 wheeling, camping, fishing, but I also love going to the movies or going dancing!

Goodbye Lance Pictures, Images and Photos
Day Job:
Veterinary Technician
Relationship Status:
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping people, and I love knowing that everytime I get called out it will be something different! I'm a volunteer firefighter and going to school to be a paramedic and I love it all!!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's non-stop excitement and I have a second family!!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Not enough money for volunteer departments to get all the equipment that we so crucially need to protect our community!

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Ashleigh's Blog

Trip to the Rockies

Posted on October 6, 2008 at 2:47pm 0 Comments

Well I've been back for a couple weeks but life has been crazy hectic so I'm just now gettin' on to write about my trip. Colorado was flippin amazing!! The weather was like 65-70 degrees the whole time we were there, and everything was just so beautiful. We went hiking quite a bit and got to hear some elk bugling which was really cool and different. Once I get around to gettin' pictures developed I'll post some up here, I got one of an enormous bull elk like 3 feet away from the walk path just… Continue

Scary Night

Posted on September 12, 2008 at 11:58pm 2 Comments

Ok so I had been watching the forecast and I knew it was supposed to rain for like the next 3 days straight here in Lawrence, but I had no idea what we were really in store for! After getting repeated pages from Dg. county emerg. management saying we were in a flood warning, I was about to pull my hair out because I was tired of hearing the same thing. Pretty soon though, about 5 min. from the last flood warning page, I hear all the tones drop. It was a weather message, but from dispatch this… Continue

Heartless or Funny?

Posted on September 12, 2008 at 1:55pm 8 Comments

Ok so I was listening to my local Christian radio station a few days ago and out of nowhere they start playing "Jingle Bell Rock." I was a little confused to say the least but I played along, listened for a while, and pretty soon the dj gets on. She says she has a little list to brighten our days, make us laugh a little. Her little list was entitled, "Why Hurricanes are Like Christmas." Now I can't tell you all of the like 10 reasons, but I know a couple of them were.."A hurricane is like… Continue

A Little Lost

Posted on September 9, 2008 at 1:26am 3 Comments

Ok, so tonight was our monthly meeting/training and tonight was the first time that no matter how intently I listened, I was pretty lost. Our training was on water shuttle, going through tender scenarios and how to correctly jet siphon and recirculate the dump tanks set up. I just felt so stupid tonight because even though I caught the main gist of it, when our chief started putting us on the spot (his favorite thing to do) it's like none of it made enough sense to become practical. I'm not… Continue

Tired of Being a Sheltered Little Girl

Posted on August 25, 2008 at 12:45am 9 Comments

Ok, I'm just so fed up with everyone's opinion about me being a firefighter. My aunt actually said that a girl on the fire department was cute. CUTE?! Is cute standing in the middle of a CRP field on fire with flames 10 ft. high trying to keep it from spreading to a farmer's house or crop fields?? Is cute chomping at the bit to go on a call, dreaming of fighting fires and keeping myself and my brothers on the fire dept. safe??? Maybe it shouldn't anger me, but darn it it really does that… Continue

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At 11:22am on June 8, 2012, ORBIE (TWEETER) YANCEY said…

like the page would like to chat with you sometime

At 6:37pm on August 18, 2009, Michael J Burke said…
Great site with great pics. Good luck with Medic school and stay safe.
At 9:16am on July 13, 2009, CHIEF NORMAN said…
Ashleigh thanks for the add, great job on your page. Be safe out there its getting hot. I tilt my helmet to ya maam....
At 9:40am on April 18, 2009, Ghaith al adham said…
nice pics;)
At 1:50am on February 7, 2009, Brandon J. Cole said…
give me a call and il see what i can do for you! good luck with medic school its hard dont get down and keep plugging away and it will be over before you know it. it was the longest year of my life but im so glad i did it.
At 2:07pm on December 24, 2008, Derick said…
Merry Christmas. Be safe.
At 2:26am on December 13, 2008, Daniel Curtis said…
At 10:38pm on November 9, 2008, Heather said…
How is it going in the mid west? Things are great here. Not looking forward to the cold. Cause once it gets into your bones you cant get it out. Lol!!
Hope all is well with you.
At 9:29am on November 9, 2008, Daniel Curtis said…
Hi Ashleigh, I uploaded a few pics of my beagle taters puppies, the are half jack russell but they take after dad a lot. Anyway, see ya around
At 11:26pm on October 26, 2008, Michael Vito said…
Happy Birthday Ashleigh! from the smoke eaters from the far side of the world. Mike

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