certification coordinator,instructor at mt.pleasant texas fire school, wood county fire school, instructor at project 53 warehouse fire at texas a&m ,tranning officer with coke-pleasant grove vol. fire dept.
we had 5 calls today 1was a DOA and 4 wildland fires wood county is consideren issueing a burn ban friday. county had 7 depts running today on different calls all at the same time. what a day 10hrs out.
At 1:41pm on September 18, 2009, BillySFCVFD said…
Hey Joe haven't heard from you and Brenda for a while. How's all? I joined East Texas Patriot Guard Riders (Longview) w/o motorcycle. Those guys are true patriots.
Thanks for the add hope things are going well in Winnsboro. Its finally started raining here in the panhandle so the grass fires have finally slowed down for awhile.
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